Works of Art in Relation to Ultimate Beauty

by Father Robert Lauder Tenth in a series In recent years I have been thinking of God as ultimate Beauty, the source of all other beauty. When I studied undergraduate philosophy as a seminarian, I learned that God was ultimate Truth, the ultimate Good, unlimited Being and ultimate Beauty but somehow that image of God […]

The Way: Emotional and Spiritual

by Father Robert Lauder It must be close to 40 years ago that I first met Martin Sheen. The occasion was the screening of Catholics, a film based on a story by Brian Moore. I had been invited by The New York Times to view the film and to write an essay about it. In […]

We Are Called to Be Mystics

by Father Robert Lauder Ninth in a series AS I RE-READ Father Michael Paul Gallagher’s Faith Maps: Ten Religious Explorers from Newman to Joseph Ratzinger (New York: Paulist Press, 2010, 158 pages, $16.95), I am surprised how much I am learning, especially about people whose thought I believed that I had previously understood. This is […]

We Are Tied Together With God

by Father Robert Lauder Eighth in a Series THE MORE TIME I spend with Father Michael Paul Gallagher’s Faith Maps: Ten Religious Explorers from Newman to Joseph Ratzinger (New York: Paulist Press, 2010, 158 pages, $16.95), the more I like the book. I find it not only interesting and informative but also spiritually challenging. I […]

Each of Us Lives in the Theatre of God’s Grace

by Father Lauder Seventh in a series In the chapter on theologian Karl Rahner in Father Michael Paul Gallagher’s excellent book, “Faith Maps: Ten Religious Explorers from Newman to Joseph Ratzinger,” Father Gallagher makes clear that Rahner never watered down the faith so that it might appeal more to his 20th century contemporaries. Rather Rahner […]

Rahner’s Vision of the Human Adventure

by Father Robert Lauder Sixth in a series I think the chapter that I most enjoyed in Father Michael Paul Gallagher’s Faith Maps: Ten Religious Explorers from Newman to Joseph Ratzinger (New York: Paulist Press, 2010, 158 pages, $16.95) was the chapter on the 20th-century theologian, Karl Rahner. Years ago when I was teaching philosophy […]

Examine Life and Evaluate What Is Important

by Father Robert Lauder Fifth in a Series WHEN I read a good book that speaks to me about what I take to be important in life, I want to share the author’s insights with others. When I become enthusiastic about some book, I want to share not only the author’s insights but also my […]

Exploring Radical Incompleteness

by Father Robert Lauder Fourth in a series One of the benefits in reading Father Michael Paul Gallagher’s Faith Maps: Ten Religious Explorers from Newman to Joseph Ratzinger (New York: Paulist Press, 2010, 158 pages, $16.95) has been learning more about important thinkers in the history of philosophy and theology that I had only a […]

Imagination Enables Faith to Flourish and Deepen

by Father Robert Lauder READING Father Michael Paul Gallagher’s Faith Maps: Ten Religious Explorers from Newman to Joseph Ratzinger (New York: Paulist Press, 2010, 158 pages, $16.95) has been an enjoyable experience in more ways than one. First it has been enjoyable to become reacquainted with thinkers I have studied previously and to see how […]

Newman’s Legacy — Understanding Religion’s Value

by Father Robert Lauder Second in a Series READING Faith Maps: Ten Religious Explorers from Newman to Joseph Ratzinger (New York: Paulist Press, 2010, $16.95, pp.158) by Father Michael Paul Gallagher, S.J. has brought back some wonderful memories. Back in the early 1970s, while I was teaching at what was then Cathedral College of The […]