Racial Prejudice and Hatred Separate Us From God

by Father Robert Lauder, AT THIS TIME of year when we celebrate the holiday in honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. we have a special opportunity to reflect on the nature of prejudice and perhaps to examine our consciences to see if we are guilty of this sin. Almost 50 years ago I […]

An Optimistic and Realistic Dialogue

Father Robert Lauder OCCASIONALLY a friend will ask me if I experience a great deal of pressure trying to write a weekly column. I confess that when I started writing columns 40 years ago, I did feel a considerable amount of pressure. When I accepted my first editor’s invitation to write a weekly column, I […]

Don’t Miss the Point Of Christmas

by Father Robert Lauder Although Christmas has passed and we have welcomed a new year, I find myself still thinking about Christmas and its meaning and its mystery. For several years I have noticed the large role memories play in my Christmas experience. I suppose everyone’s experience of Christmas changes from year to year and […]

Life in Relation to the Divine Transcendent

by Father Robert Lauder Sixteenth and Last in a Series AS I RE-READ Father Michael Paul Gallagher’s  Faith Maps: Ten Religious Explorers from Newman to Joseph Ratzinger (New York: Paulist Press, 2010, 158 pages, $16.95), I am stunned by the originality of each thinker. I have the feeling that I am learning something new both […]

O’Connor Stresses Transformation Of Vision That Faith Entails

by Father Robert Lauder Fifteenth in a series WHEN I FIRST began to read Father Michael Paul Gallagher’s  Faith Maps: Ten Religious Explorers from Newman to Joseph Ratzinger (New York: Paulist Press, 2010, 158 pages, $16.95), I was surprised to find the author Flannery O’Connor’s name among the theologians whose thought Father Gallagher summarizes and […]

Falling In Love With God

by Father Robert Lauder Fourteenth in a Series I FIND THE VIEW of philosopher-theologian Bernard Lonergan as presented by Father Michael Paul Gallagher in Faith Maps: Ten Religious Explorers from Newman to Joseph Ratzinger (New York: Paulist Press, 2010, 158 pages, $16.95) exceptionally insightful. Lonergan’s analysis of our society in so far as it presents […]

Distortions That Are Obstacles to Freedom

by Father Robert Lauder Thirteenth in a series ONE OF THE humorous experiences that I have had may be one that many teachers have. A former student approaches me and says what a great teacher I am and how much he learned from my lectures. As I am about to swell with pride, the student […]

The Drama of Christian Living

by Father Robert Lauder Twelfth in a series THOUGH I HAD read at least one book by Hans Urs von Balthasar and in recent years learned from some students of theology that he had become a favorite theologian among large groups of contemporary Catholics, I knew little about his theology until I read Father Michael […]

Worldly Beauty Relates To Ultimate Beauty

by Father Robert Lauder Eleventh in a series HANS URS VON Balthasar began his academic career by looking for hidden traces of Christ in literary works. When I learned this from Father Michael Paul Gallagher’s Faith Maps: Ten Religious Explorers from Newman to Joseph Ratzinger (New York: Paulist Press, 2010, 158 pages, $16.95), I felt […]