God’s Created Reality Is ‘Gift’ to Us

by Father Robert Lauder Several years ago, I found that I was focusing on one word to sum up everything important that I believed about God and myself. In fact, the word captured for me whatever vision I had of all of reality. The word was a kind of shorthand way of expressing my faith. […]

The Mystical Body Is Both Suffering and Glorious

by Father Robert Lauder   Fourth in a series   I HAVE BEEN thinking about why out of 10 excellent shows in Father Robert Barron’s DVD package, Catholicism, the show on the Mystical Body spoke to me in a special way. It must have to do with my past experience of the doctrine. In my […]

Series Communicates With the Masses

by Father Robert Lauder Third in a series SEVERAL YEARS AGO a young lady in a discussion group I moderate told me that though she had attended a Catholic high school, she had never been taught the doctrine of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. I listened politely but silently wondered if what […]

Artistic Masterpieces Illustrate Meaning and Mystery of Faith

by Father Robert Lauder Second in a series The more I think about the 10-part series “Catholicism,” the more I admire theologian Father Robert Barron’s accomplishment. Father Barron wrote the series and is the narrator in each segment. He seems to be a natural teacher. His presentation is basically low-key, and he tries very much […]

Video Series Addresses ‘The Catholic Thing’

by Father Robert Lauder First in a Series AROUND THIS TIME of year parish staffs are making plans and creating programs that might be used in the coming months. I am hoping that every parish has obtained the video series “Catholicism,” written and hosted by theologian Father Robert Barron. Not only can parishes use it […]

Meaning of Man Is Hidden in God

by Father Robert Lauder Fifth in a series AS I SIT at my computer, I am wondering if I have ever had an experience similar to reading Johannes Metz’s Poverty of Spirit.  Marvelous insights are leaping out at me, if not from every page then from most pages. Though my experience of reading Metz’s book […]

Common Ground with Atheists

by Father Robert Lauder Fourth in series IN A COURSE that I offer in the philosophy department at St. John’s University, the students and I try to study the mystery of God.  Though the course is entitled “The Problem of God,” what we spend a great deal of time on is the problems that philosophers […]

Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit

by Father Robert Lauder Third in a Series Earlier in this series based on Johannes Metz’s little gem “Poverty of Spirit,” I revealed that I find the expression “poverty of spirit” more meaningful than the expression “spirit of poverty.” The latter means that we shouldn’t be too dependent on material things or on wealth. We […]

Free Will Can Be Risky Business

by Father Robert Lauder Second in a series TEACHING PHILOSOPHY at St. John’s University, I place a strong emphasis on the meaning of human freedom. The first reason that I do this is that I believe that human freedom is one of the great gifts that God has given to us. I also do it […]

‘For Greater Glory’ Is a Film That Should Be Supported

by Father Robert Lauder I ATTENDED a special premiere screening of the new film “For Grater Glory.” As my guests, I brought my friends Mary and Andres Beyra. The film is about the persecution of the Church in Mexico from 1926 to 1929. Mary and Andres are from Cuba, so they have the firsthand experience […]