Gabriel Marcel: My Second Favorite Philosopher

by Father Robert Lauder   First in a Series MY FAVORITE philosopher is St. Thomas Aquinas. Of course, Thomas was primarily a theologian, but within his writings, there is a great deal of philosophy. When I studied undergraduate philosophy in the seminary, all the courses had a Thomistic emphasis, and this was also true of […]

Discussion Groups on Films And Catholic Novels

by Father Robert Lauder Fourth in a series   IN PREVIOUS COLUMNS, I have mentioned how many discussion groups I have been involved with as a priest during the last 50 years. Reflecting on the important role that both Catholic novels and films have played in my own education, I was wondering about how I might […]

Fiction and Faith

by Father Robert Lauder BECAUSE THE READING of them has played a large role in my own education, I have been trying for the last 25 years to encourage people to read Catholic novels. By a Catholic novel I mean a novel whose theme is based on some Catholic dogma, or some Catholic sacramental principle or Catholic […]

Literature, Faith and Death

by Father Robert Lauder  Second in a series   IN THE MAY 3 issue of Commonweal, Alice McDermott had a very provocative essay entitled “Redeemed from Death? The Faith of a Catholic Novelist.” Though well acquainted with how some Catholics think — about women priests, contraception, homosexuality, the death penalty, just and unjust wars, gun rights and […]

Faith and Literature

by Father Robert Lauder First in a series   The topic of faith and literature has been on my mind for a couple of weeks because I have been planning my adult education course on the Catholic novel which will take place this coming fall. Each year, the course runs on four Monday evenings in […]

The Gift of God’s Love: Accepted, Trusted, Imitated

by Father Robert Lauder My reflections on the mystery of God and our relationship with God have developed in recent years in such a way that I increasingly think of God as gift-giver and us as receivers of God’s gifts. In relation to God, we are recipients. For me, this way of thinking of our […]

Shedding the Light of Faith on Homeless Teenagers

by Father Robert Lauder A few days ago, I found in my room a copy of the small book, Sometimes God Has a Kid’s Face (Covenant House, 2010, pp. 111), written by Sister Mary Rose McGeady, D.C. I was trying to clean my room just a little bit and I found the book amidst some […]

Grateful for God’s Self-Gift of Love

by Father Robert Lauder Recently, I was invited to take part in a day of recollection for the Knights of Columbus. The person organizing the day wanted me to give a talk. When he told me that the theme of the day was centered on gratitude, I did not hesitate to accept the invitation. Gratitude […]

Connecting Religious Faith With Secular Culture

by Father Robert Lauder RECENTLY, I HAVE been on a nostalgia trip. It is a mystery to me why some memories come back to us so vividly that we can easily relive an experience in our memory no matter how long ago the experience happened. When I was studying theology as a seminarian, the relationship […]

Faith Is Accepting God’s Invitation to a Relationship

by Father Robert Lauder “FAITH IS A gift from God,” “Keep the faith,” “Some people have lost their faith.” I have heard these statements made often. Reflecting on them and reading some contemporary Catholic theology, I think that during the last few years I have come to understand the mystery of faith a little better. […]