Touched by God

I suspect that readers of this column have had the experience that I have had frequently.

Love Causes Freedom

What may appeal to me more than anything else in Evelyn Underhill’s book, “The Spiritual Life” (Morehouse Press, 1937, pp. 127) is Underhill’s attempt to place every human activity under the umbrella of spirituality.

Respecting the Dignity of the Person

by Father Robert Lauder I recently read an essay in the Houston Catholic Worker (2013) that brought up a surprising number of pleasant memories. The essay, titled “The Personalism of the Catholic Worker Movement,” was written by Edmund Miller. I first met Dorothy Day in 1955 when I was a seminarian. A priest-professor at Immaculate […]

Elements of Great Religious Films

by Father Robert Lauder In its opening weekend, “Son of God” took in $26.5 million, and the film’s opening success may stimulate discussion among filmmakers and among those of us who view films. “Son of God” has set me thinking about how great films might be used to educate people, not only about the nature […]

Religious Films

by Father Robert Lauder Probably the first religious film that moved me deeply was “The Song of Bernadette” back in 1943. Since seeing that film, I have looked forward to seeing films that deal seriously with Christian faith. The appearance of the new film “Son of God,” which I have not seen, will probably raise […]

Virtue of Hope Focuses on What is Most Important

In an individual’s life, it may be difficult to distinguish faith, hope and charity. Even if we can distinguish them, I don’t believe we can separate them. The believing person also hopes and trusts in God and tries to love God and neighbor. Can a person who hopes and trusts in God not have the […]

Academy Award Reflections – And Predictions

by Father Robert Lauder Because I frequently write about films and refer to films in lectures I give, the impression may be created that I frequently go to movie theatres. I don’t, but in the distant past, I saw most of the films that played in theatres. Conducting the annual Friday Film Festival at the […]

Embracing the Worldly

by Father Robert Lauder Sixth in a series I have no idea how readers of this column are relating to this series on spirituality. Perhaps some are enjoying it, and some may disagree with almost everything that I have written. I confess that I have enjoyed writing the last five columns as I re-read and […]

Holistic Spirituality and The Death of Dualism

by Father Robert Lauder Fifth in a series In trying to explain the difference between what might be called a traditional spirituality and a more contemporary spirituality in his excellent essay, “Are We Relating to God in a New Way?,” which first appeared in the Review for Religious, November-December, 1993, Father Gerald M. Fagin, S.J., […]