God’s Invitation to Love Is Never Withdrawn

As I wrote in last week’s column, I have come to think of God’s revelation as an invitation to enter into God’s unfathomable life of love and to think of faith as a saying yes to that invitation. Thinking of revelation and faith this way has marvelous implications for our lives. God’s invitation can come […]

Dynamic Theology

This past summer on my vacation, I read two terrific theology books. One was Walter Cardinal Kasper’s “Mercy: The Essence of the Gospel and the Key to Christian Life” (New York: Paulist Press, 2014, pp. 264, $29.95); the other was Sister Elizabeth A. Johnson, C.S.J.’s “Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love” (New […]

Possession Achieved Through Love

Using an essay by theologian Father Richard Viladesau as a guide, Father Lauder considers the mystery of loving and being loved, and how the lover and beloved belong to each other in a unique way.

Tackling Indifferentism

There are many problems in both the world and the Church, and I suppose our lived experience directs our interest toward those that we think are especially important.

Reading Helps Us Tap into Literary Treasures

When I first started writing this weekly column many years ago, my mother often would say to me, “I don’t know why you are writing all of these columns. No one understands what you’re writing.”

Reflecting on the Life and Death of Cardinal Bernardin

MANY Months ago, a friend gave me a copy of Eugene Kennedy’s book “Cardinal Bernardin’s Stations of the Cross: Transforming Our Grief and Loss into a New Life” (New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 2003, pp. 164).

Cinema and the Sacred

As the technological revolution transforms movies and computer-induced images seem to multiply magically, movies seem dumber and dumber. Still, my faith in the importance, power and beauty of film has been renewed by the 2013 Polish masterpiece, “Ida,” written and directed by Pawel Pawlikowski.

Comedy with Substance, Dignity and Value

On Friday, Oct. 24, a new film, “St. Vincent,” will open in this country. I suspect that it will be a big hit. In fact, its star, Bill Murray, may even be nominated for an Academy Award.

Art and Artists

There are good reasons why some paintings are in the great museums and others do not qualify. Of course, it is possible that experts make mistakes.