Called to Covenant

Seventh in a series WHEN I STARTED this series using Father John Kavanaugh’s “Following Christ in a Consumer Society” (Maryknoll: Orbis Books, revised edition, 1991, pp. 194) as a springboard for reflections on our culture and the mystery of person, my main motive was to share insights from this brilliant Jesuit’s book which I had […]

Nourishing the Interior Life

Sixth in a series on Jesuit Father John Kavanaugh’s book “Following Christ in a Consumer Society.” father Lauder speaks about how the book has strengthened his commitment to challenge his students to enter more deeply into their interior selves.

Our Gospel Influences How We Conduct Our Lives

Fifth in a series RE-READING some books can be a relatively boring experience. What I mean is that some books deserve only one reading and a second reading does not lead to the discovery of any new insights. That has not been my experience re-reading Father John Kavanaugh’s “Following Christ in a Consumer Society” (New York Maryknoll: Orbis, 1991, pp. 194).

What Matters Most to Us

Fourth in a series, In Exploring What a consumer culture can do to us, Father John Kavanaugh, S.J., in his book, “Following Christ in a Consumer Culture (New York Maryknoll: Orbis, 1991, pp. 194), refers to an article in Fortune magazine:

We Grow Through Love

Third in a series, REFLECTING ON THE emphasis that Father John Kavanaugh, S.J., places on living in the present moment in his excellent book, “Following Christ in a Consumer Culture (New York Maryknoll: Orbis, 1991, pp. 194), I have become more aware of how often I fail at doing this.

Countering the Absence of Self

Second in a series, Just before I sat down to write this column, I re-read some of the pages toward the beginning of Jesuit Father John Kavanaugh’s terrific book, “Following Christ in a Consumer Society: The Spirituality of Cultural Resistance” (New York, Maryknoll: Orbis, 1991, pp. 194).

Ingrid Bergman Recalled For Her ‘Catholic’ Roles

The occasion of the Swedish-born actress’ centennial – she was born Aug. 29, 1915 – has spurred lavish retrospectives of her films worldwide, including events at New York’s Museum of Modern Art in and the American Film Institute in Silver Spring, Maryland.

Temptation of Consumerism

First in a series I BELIEVE THAT the importance of the Church’s teaching on social justice will become more and more apparent during Pope Francis’ tenure as the leader of the Catholic Church. Pope Francis has made so many statements about the evil of consumerism that his remarks have led me back to a book that I read several years ago, a book that profoundly influenced my outlook on society.

Pope Francis’ Humanism

Eighth and last in a series Having read and re-read Cardinal Walter Kasper’s small gem of a book, “Pope Francis’ Revolution of Tenderness and Love” (New York: Paulist Press, 2015, pp. 117, $16.95), I think that due to Cardinal Kasper, I have a good understanding of the Holy Father’s vision of the Church. Now when […]

Allowing Truth to Guide Our Lives

Re-reading the cardinal’s book makes me feel as though I am on retreat or making days of recollection. I can only describe the book in superlatives. I feel as though, through Cardinal Kasper’s insights and comments, I have entered into Pope Francis’ mind.