Saved by Grace

When we look at peoples’ lives from the outside, we can slip into the error of thinking that some people have no problems.

Speaking of the Holy in Secular Culture

By writing his columns in The New York Times and by writing books like “The Road to Character,” I believe that David Brooks influences thousands of people. His claim that, “We don’t live for happiness, we live for holiness,” should make readers pause to reflect.

Energized by God’s Love

Fourth in a series, FOR YEARS I HAVE had the experience of discovering that as I am delivering a homily, I am not just preaching to the congregation, but also to myself. I think that without intending to do so, I deliver homilies that I feel I need to hear.

Dorothy Day’s Moral Character

Day’s vision and commitment to the poor is present today in those involved with The Catholic Worker. I still find that commitment and vision inspiring.

Providence and Life’s Journey

What I am imagining is a long line of people helping others to be good. In turn, they help others to be good, and on and on goes the chain-like communication of goodness.

Creating Image of God Is the Work of a Lifetime

We constantly try to improve our images of God. If we allow our images to be corrected and challenged by the images offered in Scripture, then we might avoid creating images of a God whom we control and who asks nothing of us instead of Scripture’s God of love who challenges us.

Call to Love Comes Through Many Channels

God really has tied us together: to learn who I am at my deepest level, I must learn who the other is. … Each person is like a message from God.

Person as Sacrament

Though we may not admit to it while we are engaged in various actions of making choices – or even be conscious of it – the truth is that all of us are trying to achieve a sense of unity in our lives. We desire to achieve integrity in the sense that our lives as […]

God’s Justice Is His Mercy

God’s mercy breaks the notion that people only receive what they deserve and earn. God’s mercy is God’s love in action.