A Eucharistic Embrace

Second in a series, EARLY IN HIS book “Our One Great Act of Fidelity: Waiting for Christ in the Eucharist” (New York: Doubleday, 2011), Ronald Rolheiser stresses that the Eucharist is a great mystery that we will never completely understand. He confesses that in his studies he took excellent courses on the Eucharist, but in the end he realized that he did not understand the Eucharist.

The Eucharist Is Central to Our Faith

First in a series, WHEN I WAS A young parish priest many years ago, about one quarter of the Catholics who lived in the parish did not attend the Sunday Eucharist with any regularity. My guess is that at this time that percentage has increased. Though I do not have any statistics, I think we have a very serious problem in the contemporary Church concerning the Sunday Eucharist.

Christian Hope, Gratitude and Joy

Third in a series, SEVERAL READINGS of Paul J. Wadell’s excellent essay, “Not Settling for Less,” which appeared in the Jesuit weekly America (Nov. 21, 2016) have led me to better appreciate the virtue of hope.

Hope: God’s Gift and Promise to Humanity

Second in a series, Early in his essay, “Not Settling for Less: The Audacity and Practice of Christian Hope” (America, Nov. 21, 2016), Paul J. Wadell discusses hope in relation to our friendship with God.

‘Silence’: A Cinematic Masterpiece

When Martin Scorsese’s new film, “Silence,” appeared, I was reminded of the first Scorsese film I saw, “Mean Streets,” in 1973, and also how closely I have followed the director’s career during the last 44 years.

‘Martin Luther’ Offers Great Piece of Theatre

I JUST FINISHED writing a letter to the co-author of a great play that I saw last evening. The co-author is Max McLean and the play is “Martin Luther on Trial.” The other author is Chris Cragin-Day. I am encouraging anyone who loves theatre or is interested in religion, to get to the Pearl Theatre, which is in Manhattan on 42nd Street between 10th and 11th avenues. The play’s run will end on Jan. 29.

Sacraments of Hope

First in a series FORTUNATELY FOR ME, every so often I come across an essay in a Catholic periodical, often America or Commonweal, that provides me with some challenging insights into some Christian mystery. I am so moved by the essay that I wish to share the insights with others. The most recent marvelous essay that both instructed me and inspired me was Paul J. Waddell’s “Not Settling for Less: The Audacity and Practice of Christian Hope” in the Nov. 21, 2016 issue of America.

Mysteries to Ponder This Christmas

I LOVE THE days surrounding Christmas for several reasons. Some relate to wonderful memories of celebrating Christmas with my mother, father and sister from the time I was an infant right up to the age of 30, which was my age when my sister died. In addition to those memories, I experience deep joy reflecting on and celebrating the Incarnation.

David Brooks and Martin Buber

DURING THE LAST two or three years I have become an avid reader of David Brooks’ column in The New York Times. I don’t know of any other columnist who writes essays similar to those Brooks writes. He seems to me to be a contemporary prophet calling us to examine our lives, to evaluate how we are living and to examine our consciences.