Lenten Opportunities

Lent is a grace-filled season to grow in faith and encounter God in new ways. Parishes and programs around the diocese offer events and opportunities for the faithful in the coming weeks.

Lenten Opportunities

Lent is a grace-filled season to grow in faith and encounter God in new ways. Parishes and programs around the diocese offer events and opportunities for the faithful in the coming weeks

Black History Month Events

As Black History Month winds down, there are still some events and observances happening in the diocese and around the city.

Lenten Opportunities

Lent is a grace-filled season to grow in faith and encounter God in new ways. Parishes and programs around the diocese offer events and opportunities for the faithful in the coming weeks.

Bishop Catanello Memorial Dinner Dance

The fifth annual Bishop Ignatius Catanello Memorial Dinner Dance is set for March 24 at the Immaculate Conception Center, Douglaston.

St Patrick’s Parades

From Bay Ridge to Bayside, and Belle Harbor to Park Slope, St. Patrick will soon be feted at Masses and parades around the diocese.