Letters to the Editor

Bright Christmas Thanks

Dear Editor: The Tablet’s Bright Christmas Campaign has shed light on the St. Francis House! We are very grateful for your generosity.

It was a difficult Christmas this year because of Father Benedict’s (Groeschel) passing. I know he is praying for us and our benefactors who have been so kind to us, since the home opened in 1967.

The St. Francis House was one of Father Benedict’s favorite charities. He once told me that “if you cut the bricks outside, my blood would come out.”

Many of the graduates are doing well. Most are married and have children of their own. They pray together, and attend Mass.

Not everyone who leaves this home is able to get on his feet. This Christmas, I visited Jon, one of our past residents, who is in psychiatric hospital on Staten island.

I plan to keep the home open. I know Father Benedict would want it that way, and there is still a great need for so many.

Again, I thank you for your generosity and want you to know that we couldn’t keep things going without your assistance.

Please keep us in your prayers as we remember you, and all our friends in our prayers.

Director St. Francis House