Diocesan News

Bayside Parish’s Art Show Celebrates God’s Creation

Our Lady of Blessed Sacrament parish welcomed artists to exhibit their work at an art show last weekend. The theme was “Celebration of Creation” and parishioners of all ages put their own spin on the idea.

Our Lady of Blessed Sacrament parish in Bayside hosted its second annual art show for parishioners of all ages who were given the chance to come and show off their work, which ranged from young students’ drawings and landscape photos to homemade arts and crafts from recycled materials.

Judy Tolan of the parish’s Green Team helped start the event last year as a way to raise money for parish projects, but also to give people an opportunity to show off their creative skills.

“The Green Team is all about furthering “Laudato Si.’” That is all about taking care of the environment and making sure people are aware,” Tolan said.

During the year, the parish helped people focus on the theme of caring for God’s creation by hosting an Earth Day classroom door decorating contest in Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Academy, having clothing drives for the poor and helping to care for others around the parish.

“Today’s theme was ‘Celebration of Creation’ and a lot of the work did a great job representing that through many different ways,” Tolan said.

Ken Schwegler brought in some of his landscape collections of photos he has taken from around the world.

“In 1967, I bought my first Nikon [camera] when I was in the Navy and have loved it ever since. I have always loved to shoot landscape and sports,” he said.

“Judy and my wife went to college together so we have known each other for more years then we like to admit, but as soon as she started working toward starting the Green Team, we were involved right away.”

Exhibitor Sally Thomas claimed to be not much of a painter or photographer so she created a display of items recycled and reused for practical purposes around the house.

She created a string of decorative lights using cut-out pieces of water bottles, turned old CDs into pencil cases and sowing kits and crocheted a basket from plastic grocery bags.

She even made an ottoman using cloth and old soda bottles.

“I went on a trip to Sicily and saw a designer display dresses she made using only recycled items and that was very inspiring,” Thomas said.

“I wanted to contribute and I thought these items were a great way to help people around the house but also to stay green and recycle as much as they can.”

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