Obituaries, Week of January 25, 2025

Sister Margaret Mary Flanagan, OP (Sister Marie Thomasine, OP), Sister Joan Lucie Roccasalvo (formerly Sister Regina Consuelo)

A New Year’s Call to Reflection, Renewal

If we hadn’t seen enough Christmas lights this season — on houses, trees, bushes, and department stores — this past Sunday, we were absolutely festooned with them. The reading from Isaiah announced in the very first line: “Your light has come!” And it kept on coming. “Nations shall walk by your light,” the prophet continues, and the Scriptures go on to speak of “shining radiance,” “light,” and, in Matthew’s memorable gospel, the star that guided the magi to Bethlehem. We are positively blinded by illumination.

Seeing Double: For Pair of Priests, Shared Faith Is Part of Their DNA

For many people, having a sibling who mirrors their every move might seem more frustrating than comforting. However, for two sets of twins in New York City, their shared bond has profoundly strengthened their faith and spiritual lives. The lives of Father Mark Amatrucola and Father Chris Lawton are intertwined not just by being twins, but by their shared journeys into the priesthood.

Jubilee Mascot Is Having Its Viral Moment

The upcoming 2025 Jubilee Year will be an opportunity for Catholics of all ages and backgrounds worldwide to embark on a journey — literally and spiritually — that can redefine their understanding of the faith.

School Helps Kids Stay Socialized in Pandemic

Recess is a chance for kids to be themselves: get up from behind the school desk, meet up with friends from other classes, and put their high energy to good use. But this school year, playground time looks a lot more like an office coffee break for young ones in Catholic schools throughout the Diocese of Brooklyn. 

Motivated by Faith, Catholic Scientists Look Beyond Earth’s Galaxy

After an unexpected 2020, this year began with Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn’s conjunction — a nighttime view akin to the North Star that led the Magi to the Baby Jesus. For some, the sight was a reminder of just how beautiful God’s creation is, even in the most difficult times.