The Land of Israel

Dear Editor: Political propaganda should not be confused with the truths of the Bible which we all believe in. Rosemarie Pace may have a problem with saying that Bethlehem is part of Israel, but the Holy Scriptures make clear that Saul, David and Solomon were Kings of Israel. David was from Bethlehem which in Hebrew means City of Bread. That has been the city’s name from Biblical times. The Bible also makes clear God’s covenant with Abraham regarding the Land of Israel and its promise to his descendants

The Gift of Arthur

Dear Editor: Sister Ave Clark, O.P. has written a memoir dedicated to her friend Arthur Mirell, who died on Easter Sunday 2017 at the age of 70. Arthur had known Sister Ave for more than 10 years. He was a convert to the Catholic faith and was a much loved and admired parishioner of St. Jude’s parish in Brooklyn.

Greenpoint Roots

Dear Editor: My sincerest gratitude for your centerfold tribute to the centennial of the parish of SS. Cyril and Methodius parish, Greenpoint, which was literally the heart and soul of the first decades of my life, as surely for many, and which formed in me the Polish identity which I still cherish.

Anti-Life Planning

The U.S. Department of Justice is finally going to investigate Planned Parenthood for the illegal selling of the body parts of aborted children. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) in December 2016 called for the investigation after the publication of the “Human Fetal Tissue Research: Context and Controversy” report.

People of Resilience

The bungled terrorist attack in New York on Monday is another sign that we all must remain vigilant during the Christmas season. The futile effort of a lone would-be bomber is evidence that all terrorist activity is ultimately self-defeating.

Why Wait? How Advent Waiting Changes Us

Wait in hope, faith and love, the wise ones say. Wait and pray. Slow the rhythm of your hearts to God’s time. We young ones are always impatient – can we be anything else? – but when we listen to their wisdom, we learn. Families are made by waiting. Made for waiting together.

We Cannot Wait Passively

IT’S BEEN A BIT of a different Advent this year. For starters, the season began more than a week after Thanksgiving. When you are used to lighting that first candle of Advent the Sunday immediately following Thanksgiving, this twist in the liturgical calendar was a challenge for many of us.

Don’t Get Carried Away With Yourself

by Father Michael Panicali

EVERY BIG-NAME comedian or music group knows the importance of having a good warm-up act work the crowd before they have to take the stage.

Hope Without Disappointment

Third and last in a series

IN HIS BOOK, “Building the Human” (New York: Herder and Herder, 1968, pp. 192), Robert Johann gives an interesting sketch of how hope functions between two persons who are entering a love relationship. I think that Johann’s insight into the mystery of hope is an excellent example of how philosophy can deepen and expand our understanding of theology, and can also help us in our attempts to live out what we believe about the mysteries of Catholicism.