No Time for Pity; Just Pray

Dear Editor: During these dark times, and especially today for me, I want to thank Carol Powell for her powerful and comforting article in last week’s Tablet (Sept. 22), “Why Am I Still A Catholic?”

Reshaping Beliefs, Futures

Dear Editor: I hope all of The Tablet’s readers noted the article “Culinary Program Helps Former Inmates Achieve Success,” (Aug. 18). The writer describes a program in Cleveland where people who had been incarcerated are being taught job skills that can enable them to make a successful re-entry into the community by providing job skills and employability skills.

Unfounded Implication?

Dear Editor: Re: the news report on the ACN global ministry for persecuted Christians (“Big Bang for Small Bucks for Persecuted Christians,” Sept. 22), I take exception to Reinhard Backes’ statement, “It’s a difficult time with the Trumps and Dutertes of the world,” implying that these two leaders similarly persecute Christians.

An Anti-Catholic Bias

Dear Editor: The Democratic Party has demonstrated an anti-Catholic bias that everyone should be aware of. From the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Thomas Perez, to Governor Andrew Cuomo, they are on record admonishing voters that if you are pro-life, you do not belong in the Democratic party.

Psalm for Sexual Abuse

I SCANNED THE ROWS of baby food jars on the shelf, grabbed several in a clattering handful, and tossed them into my cart. The store assistant smiled as she rang me up.

A Smile and Wave from Pope Francis in Sicily

With each new day, the sun rises and it’s a blessing – God’s way of saying here is another day to do good and share friendship and love. My mother and I watched the sunrise the day before we left for home and looked back on this amazing trip, the people we met, and the most important reason, to continue our pilgrimage of our Catholic faith in our ancestral homeland of Sicily.

More Collegial Synods

With the release of the apostolic constitution “Episcopalis communio” on Sept. 18, His Holiness, Pope Francis, has ordered a change to the way that the Catholic Church understands the authority and work of assemblies of bishops.

Trying to Defend Our Faith

Dear Editor: Once again, we hear news of a clergy sex scandal. This angers and saddens me for a number of reasons. The first and most obvious reason is the well-being of the victims of these animals. But it goes much deeper than that. There is the humiliation of good priests who are unjustly associated with the guilty ones. Then there is the embarrassment felt by lay Catholics as they watch the Church established by Christ dragged through the mud by a media that delights in its misfortun