Creche Ritual to Imagine Our Place in the Stable

My 4-year-old granddaughter Charlotte is allowed to play with her family Christmas creche. The figures are virtually unbreakable, and her folks don’t care if the entire Nativity scene is rearranged daily, shepherds marching in lockstep toward the goldfish bowl or angels huddling together for a confab outside the stable.

A Very Little Word

Blessed Jordan of Saxony entered the Dominican order in 1220. Two years later, he was elected as St. Dominic’s successor as the Master of the Order of Friars Preachers, more commonly known, after the name of their founder, as the “Dominicans.”

‘Old’ St. John’s

Dear Editor: An inspiring description of days gone by (The ‘Old’ St. John’s Prep, The Tablet, June, 2017); it certainly brings back memories. I graduated the year after you , God bless.

St. Catherine’s Nurses

Dear Editor: I’m a 1965 Grad. (‘Reuniting St. Catherine’s Nurses One Last Time,’ The Tablet, Sept. 29) I am organizing a Nurses’ Honor Guard in Havre, Montana and thinking about my days at St. Catherine’s. They were so special!

Msgr. Perfecto Vasquez

Dear Editor: I was a parishioner of Guardian Angel Parish when Msgr. Perfecto Vasquez was pastor. After every Mass, he always said, “Let us do our best and God will do the rest.” This was deeply refreshing in a world that wants to do it all by themselves.

Abortion, Euthanasia

Dear Editor:  Mr. Tom Moreno’s letter, (Readers’ Forum, Nov. 10) really turns things upside down. It’s the Democratic Party that is the “Death” party.  I refer to their stance on abortion, euthanasia. Point in fact, just watch one of our ‘wonderful’ governor’s campaign ads if you have the stomach for it! I cringed and changed […]

Abortion and Violence

Dear Editor: In answer to Siobhan’s question (Siobhan O’Connor, Catholic Teachings, Readers’ Forum, Dec. 1): There are no politicians, right now, who fit this mandate. The sticking points seem to be abortion and poverty.

A Request for Information

Dear Editor: My people, who came to Williamsburg from Pescopagano, Italy, established a Societa’ Operaia San Francesco di Paola of Brooklyn, NY, in the year 1901. (“St. Francis of Paola: An Italian Refuge for 100,” The Tablet, Nov. 17).

Harsh and Biased

Dear Editor: It is unfortunate that the words of Pope Francis have been taken out of context in so many printed statements, including The Tablet. To print headlines such as, “Pope: Homosexual priests should be celibate or leave,”(The Tablet, Dec. 8) sounds quite harsh and biased.

Muslims Reverence Mary

Dear Editor: I am a Muslim New Yorker who reads The Tablet from time to time, and of course your front page headline “Muslim Baby Dropped Off a Catholic Church” (The Tablet, Dec. 1, 2018) compelled my attention. First, I believe anyone must appreciate the decency and compassion with which the pastor and staff of Our Lady of Refuge responded to this emergency human need. May God bless them.