The Intersection of Ethics and Politics

Political parties are always coalitions of different tendencies, philosophies and opinions. This is especially true in the United States. For most of its history, and for all practical purposes, America has had a bipartisan political system. At the time of the last presidential election, there were 245.5 million Americans ages 18 and older. There are more than two political ways of thinking in America today, but we just have two political parties with a real shot at winning a presidential election.

Government Shutdown

We are now several weeks into the shutdown of all non-essential services of the U.S. Government. Several branches of the government have employees working at this moment without pay. The issues that the President and the Congress face are serious and they are not easily served by some of the sound-bites you hear. His Eminence, Sean Cardinal O’Malley, the Archbishop of Boston, Mass., released a powerful statement on the governmental shutdown:

Sisters of Notre Dame

Dear Editor: I loved your sharing, such that any woman reading it would agree she can still be a sister (“Responding in Love” by Sister Nancy Gilchriest, S.S.N.D., March 3, 2018).

Great Memories

Dear Editor: I am a former student of Our Lady of Lourdes grammar school. (A Cristo Rey School Grows in Brooklyn, The Tablet, Nov. 12, 2011).

We Have Stopped Listening

Dear Editor: The world is in the midst of spiritual estrangement (Readers’ Forum, Free College Education?, Dec. 29).

Remembering Father Burns

Dear Editor: During his time as pastor of St. Michael’s Church in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, Father Patrick Burns served as a Clergy Liaison with the 72nd Precinct. Father Burns was always there for the NYPD whether in times of crisis or just to share a light hearted moment and his efforts to bridge police and community were unparalleled.

The Living Presence

Dear Editor: In his Dec. 29 column “Put Out into the Deep,” Bishop DiMarzio reminds us of the stories of the Holy Family’s difficulty finding shelter in Bethlehem, of their seeking refuge in Egypt, and of the massacre of the Holy Innocents which they narrowly escaped.

In Baptism, We Have Been Claimed

This June, I will celebrate nine years of priesthood. These have been nine years filled with God’s love and mercy. I must say that it has been nine happy years!