Thank You, Bishop DiMarzio

Dear Editor: On behalf of the Board of Directors, we would like to send our heartfelt gratitude to the Most Reverend, Nicholas DiMarzio, for specifically naming The Bridge to Life as one on the organizations to direct almsgiving during the 2019 Lenten Season in his March 9 column in The Tablet (“Lent Can Help Promote the Value of Life,” March 9).

A Role Model

Dear Editor: May he rest in peace (“Sports Round-Up – Anton Turkovic,” Feb. 2). He was always helpful and took great care of the students who played their sports! I recall his office with all his wonderful pictures that were so important to him of his memories.

‘Shema, Yisroel’

Dear Editor: After just having viewed the movie “The Invisibles,” at my local Kew Gardens Cinema, I was inspired to write this brief memorial for my late beloved companion, Gloria Beutel Katz (1948-2018), of Briarwood.

40 Days For Life

Thank you, Bishop DiMarzio (“In Response To New Abortion Law, Diocese Joins 40 Days For Life,” March 23). At St. Francis Xavier Parish in the Bronx, we are praying for the unborn in danger of abortion.

Keep Up the Good Work!

Dear Editor: I don’t know Peter Damour in person, but I’m so proud of him and the works God is accomplishing in him and through him (“Catholic Youth Minister Leads Teens Closer To Christ,” Feb. 23). May our Mom Mary bless him and always keep him clean and pure in heart and in mind.

Remembering Bishop Valero

Dear Editor: Bishop Valero ordained my dad in 1985. One day a few years later we were together at a Confirmation diner at St. Margaret’s.

Help to Write Our History

Dear Editor: I am the author of three books on the history of Catholic New York, and I am currently in the process of writing a new book on Catholic life in Brooklyn from the 1840’s through the 1960’s. I would like to reach out to Tablet readers with a Brooklyn background, in order to hear their stories so I can faithfully reconstruct our shared Catholic past.

Story of Prodigal Son Welcomes Home the Son Who Was Lost

St. Paul challenges us in the second reading to be ambassadors of Christ “as if God were appealing through us.” He calls people to be reconciled to God. Rather than being like the older son, who scorns the wayward brother, a great way to be an ambassador of Christ this Lent would be to invite people to be embraced by the Father’s love.

From Shame To Hope

I RECENTLY READ a column titled “A Frightened People” by Hosffman Ospino. He writes about Latinos’ reality in the U.S. and gives a voice to Latinos who are living in the shadows. The infamous, broken immigration system in this country is hurting Latinos, and, therefore, the church hurts as well. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it.

Parish Priest Helped Share Sweet Sally’s Sunshine

Being the parent and caregiver to a beautiful daughter with special medical needs made attending Mass challenging over a five-year span. I would go with my sons when I could before dropping them off at CCD.