The Birthday of the Church

Other than Easter Sunday, this day, Pentecost, is the most important and meaningful day of the year for all of us who are Christians.

Shepherds of Ordinary Times

by Lucia A. SilecchiaIN THESE WEEKS when spring gives way to summer, many celebrate the Ordinations of new priests – new shepherds who, in these difficult days, commit the rest of their lives to the sacred service of God and the people of God.

The Sane Thing to Do

Over the past few weeks, we have witnessed more states coming to the realization that life begins at conception, and thus signing fetal heartbeat bills, making it illegal to abort a child in the womb once a heartbeat is detected. Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards, a Democrat, was the latest governor to sign such a bill into law.

In Memoriam to My Spiritual Mother, Sister Nellie Daquel

Sister Nellie Annunciata Daquel, MUCP was a Filipino native who made her home on earth at St. Sebastian’s in Woodside. I was honored to be among the last graduating class of RCIA in 2018 with Sister Nellie as our teacher. So please forgive me if I don’t use all the proper Catholic terms.

Pope Francis Strong in His Defense of Life

When describing Pope Saint John XXIII, 20th-century American theologian John Courtney Murray called him “the Pope of the Question Mark.” In many ways, the same phrase can be applied to His Holiness, Pope Francis. This pontiff can be difficult to understand and incredibly difficult to pin down.

Religious Repression Unabated in China

In a recent article, a columnist from The New York Times wrote: “China is engaging in internment, monitoring or persecution of Muslims, Christians and Buddhists on a scale almost unparalleled by a major nation in three-quarters of a century.”

Congrats to Msgr. Ogle

Dear Editor: Congratulations to Msgr. Ogle and his communication team at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel on receiving the Francis De Sales Communication Award (“Growing the Good News: World Communications Day 2019,” May 18).

Honoring Msgr. Casey

Dear Editor: I would like to prayerfully congratulate Msgr. John F. Casey on his 65 year Anniversary as a Priest (“Priests Are Marking Their 65th, 60th Anniversaries,” May 18).

Thank You, Father Labita

Dear Editor: I remember Father Frank Labita from my days in Our Lady of Angels parish, Bay Ridge (“Priests Are Marking Their 65th, 60th Anniversaries,” May, 19). It was a wonderful era to have grown up in. I have only good memories.