Relic of JP II Stolen from Italian Church

by Francis X. Rocca VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Thieves reportedly stole a relic of Blessed John Paul II from a country chapel 85 miles east of Rome. Italian media reported that the relic, a piece of fabric soaked in Blessed John Paul’s blood, had disappeared over the preceding weekend from the church of San Pietro […]

Our Messiah Makes No Empty Promises

by Father Anthony F. Raso Nostalgia is certainly a two-edged sword. Looking back over time, we’ll remember some wonderful things that happened, but there are also some heartbreaking events that our memories will recall. Both the joyful and the sorrowful memories, as our Blessed Mother learned well, are part of our lives and have made […]

Holistic Spirituality and The Death of Dualism

by Father Robert Lauder Fifth in a series In trying to explain the difference between what might be called a traditional spirituality and a more contemporary spirituality in his excellent essay, “Are We Relating to God in a New Way?,” which first appeared in the Review for Religious, November-December, 1993, Father Gerald M. Fagin, S.J., […]

The John Paul II Difference in 1989

by George Weigel Twenty-five years ago, on Jan. 27, 1989, a joint statement from the communist government of Poland, the Solidarity trade union and the Catholic Church announced a national “Roundtable” to discuss the country’s future, including major structural issues of political and economic reform. The Roundtable began the following month; basic agreements were reached […]

The Winning Coach

A year has yet to pass since Jorge Mario Bergoglio, newly elected Bishop of Rome (as he often refers to himself as) – and, therefore, pope – appeared on the central balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica, arms limply at his side, looking all of a startled schoolboy about to answer for himself before the principal. […]

Doors Close and Open For Local Soup Kitchen

Twenty six years ago, the Zion Lutheran Church on Fourth Avenue and 63rd Street, Bay Ridge, opened its doors to welcome guests coming for a meal. Joe Duerr from St. Andrew the Apostle Church and Jean De Gennaro from Lutheran Zion Church were aware of the needs of neighborhood people and, impelled by Christ’s instruction […]

Dominican Youth Help Rebuild the Rockaways

by Sister Gina Fleming, O.P. During the week of Jan. 5-9,  nine young adults, who are members of the Dominican Young Adults Chapter at Molloy College, Rockville Centre, L.I., came together to participate in a service project in the Rockaways. The project was sponsored by Friends of Rockaway and the St. Bernard Project, which have […]

Milo to be Honored at Dinner by The Cathedral Club of Brooklyn

Louis S. Milo will be the guest of honor, and Father Timothy R. Scully, C.S.C., will speak at the 114th Anniversary Dinner of the Cathedral Club of Brooklyn. The event, a mainstay on the diocesan social calendar, will be held at the New York Marriott Marquis in Times Square on Thursday, Feb. 6, beginning with […]

Youth Reflection: Working to Free 27 Million Modern Slaves Worldwide

By Lauren Dorvil Eyes. A pair of beautiful brown eyes. I had never seen an image so vivid or a message so striking. After a few seconds, the scene changed, and another young girl appeared on the projector screen with the same solemn expression and a pair of sad, lonely eyes. It was then that […]

2013 Keep Christ in Christmas Contest Winners Honored

The winners of The Tablet’s Keep Christ in Christmas art contest, co-sponsored by the Archbishop John Hughes Knights of Columbus Council, Dyker Heights, were honored at a reception and awards ceremony at the Council. The recipients received a cash award from the K. of C., a medal and certificates of appreciation from the Knights, The […]