Albany’s Cathedral Has Brooklyn Foundation

The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception is the Mother Church of the 14 counties of the Diocese of Albany, N.Y. It houses the “cathedra,” the bishop’s chair and symbol of his teaching authority as chief pastor and shepherd over the Church of Albany.

Ordination Ceremony Will Be Live on NET-TV

Bishop-elect Edward B. Scharfenberger will officially be ordained a bishop on Thursday, April 10, at 2 p.m. at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Albany, N.Y.

Pope – Prez Summit Goes Into Overtime

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – In their first encounter, Pope Francis received U.S. President Barack Obama at the Vatican March 27 for a discussion that touched on several areas of tension between the Catholic Church and the White House, including religious freedom and medical ethics.

Love Causes Freedom

What may appeal to me more than anything else in Evelyn Underhill’s book, “The Spiritual Life” (Morehouse Press, 1937, pp. 127) is Underhill’s attempt to place every human activity under the umbrella of spirituality.

God and Freedom: Lenten Reflection Aid

For the better part of two centuries now, one of the standard tropes in western high culture has held that the-God-of-the-Bible-is-the-enemy-of-human-freedom.

No Guts in Albany

We are extremely dismayed and disappointed that the Education Investment Incentive Act was not part of the New York State budget this year.

Giving a Dollar to the Homeless Isn’t Enough

I was always told that giving to the poor was an essential part of being a Christian. Knowing this, it would make sense for me to give to people on the street who were begging for money.