Touched by God

I suspect that readers of this column have had the experience that I have had frequently.

Easter Glory in a Roman Jewel Box

One of the many reasons to follow the Lenten station church pilgrimage through Rome is that along that unique itinerary of sanctity, one discovers otherwise-hidden jewels of church architecture and design, created in honor of the early Roman martyrs.

Understanding the Passion Is Key to Beginning of Holy Week

Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, with the exuberant hosannas of the crowd that welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem quickly giving way to the mockery of Roman soldiers and the derision of the passers-by at Calvary.

A Solemn Week

This week, we celebrate the Church’s most solemn days of the year.

Pope: Bishops Are Men Of Prayer, Evangelists

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Pope Francis said bishops should act not like ambitious corporate executives but humble evangelists and men of prayer, willing to sacrifice everything for their flocks.