Judge Can’t Stop Church Teaching on Marriage

MADISON, Wis. (CNS) – Marriage is – “and can only ever be” – a relationship “solely between one man and one woman, regardless of the decision of a judge or any vote,” said Bishop Robert C. Morlino of Madison.

Detroit Polls Parishioners

DETROIT (CNS) – Parishioners generally like their parish and their pastor and for the most part think the Archdiocese of Detroit is fulfilling its mission but could be doing more in a few key areas, according to the results of a widely distributed survey.

Academy Taught Families To Live the Gospel

On June 27, 2009, the Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, a group of educators, religious and corporate volunteers set to work cleaning out the long-closed St. Barbara’s elementary school in Bushwick, as a first step in the creation of what would become the new Pope John Paul II Family Academy (PJPFA)

Bishop Mugavero – This Weekend Marks 100th Anniversary of His Birth

A former professor once remarked to me that a priest will always have a special place in his heart for the bishop who ordained him. In February of 1979, I was ordained to the priesthood by the fifth Bishop of Brooklyn, Francis J. Mugavero. Over the past 35 years, I have found my old professor to be right. I indeed have a special place in my heart for the late Bishop Mugavero.

Visiting Priest Says Egypt Needs Prayers

Dignity for all Egyptians – that is the hope and prayer of one Egyptian priest as the country learns to live under a new constitution, a new president and a soon-to-be elected parliament.

Father Pettei Installed As Vicar for Queens

When Father Tom Pettei arrived at St. Nicholas of Tolentine, Jamaica, in 2007, he knew he had found a home. Parishioners welcomed him with open arms and hearts.

In God’s Hands: The Mystery of Divine Providence

Catholicism is a religion of mysteries. I think immediately of mysteries such as the Blessed Trinity, the Incarnation, the Resurrection and the Eucharist. I believe that one of the great mysteries that the Catholic Church proclaims and celebrates is the mystery of Divine Providence.

Foreign-Policy-by-Hashtag: #BeatAdolf?

The first 15 minutes of “Saving Private Ryan” and the jump sequence in the second episode of “Band of Brothers” are vivid reminders of the extraordinary courage displayed on D-Day, 70 years ago.