A Statue for Mother Cabrini

The decision of the “She Built NYC” committee not to include Mother Cabrini among the seven women to be honored by New York City caused outrage among the city’s Italian-American community and Catholics in general.

Sister Mary Josephine Keyes, C.S.J.

Sister Mary Josephine Keyes, C.S.J., formerly Sister Raymond de Sales, died on Aug. 28 at Maria Regina Residence in Brentwood, L.I. 

Sister Rosemary Anne Kern, C.S.J.

Sister Rosemary Anne Kern, C.S.J., who taught CCD at several parishes in the Diocese of Brooklyn, died on Aug. 26, at Maria Regina Residence in Brentwood, L.I.

Sister Anne McKeon, G.N.S.H.

Sister Anne McKeon, G.N.S.H., who taught at two parish schools in Queens and served in another parish there, died on Aug. 29.

Father Cyril F. Doody

A retired priest of the Diocese of Brooklyn, died on Sept. 3 at his private residence in Sag Harbor, L.I. He was 89.

Permanent Deacons and Clergy Apparel

Dear Editor: It’s interesting that the two photos of former NBA referee Deacon Steven M. Javie of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia are shown with his appearing in a referee uniform and a clergy shirt with Roman collar (“Former NBA Referee Makes Spiritual Call, Aug. 31). 

Mother Cabrini Deserves to Be Honored by the City

Dear Editor: As a former resident of New York City — 51 years in Bayside, Queens — I protest against dismissing Mother Frances Cabrini from her rightful place in New York City history.

A Petition for Mother Frances Cabrini

Dear Editor: I would love if there would be an online, or in The Tablet, petition campaign to send it to Mayor Bill de Blasio in regard to the statue controversy