Life in the Spirit

On Sunday, June 16, 1996, I received the sacrament of confirmation at my home parish of Queen of All Saints in the Fort Greene section of Brooklyn.

Now That School’s Out, What’s In?

Now that school is out, it’s fair to ask: “What’s in?” That’s a question parents should be considering. They have to be concerned with how their youngsters are occupying themselves during the summer vacation.

Charity: Our Christian Calling

A friend of mine is a church secretary. Her duties include greeting those who come to the parish seeking financial assistance. The poor rightly think of a church as a place to find help, and her parish has seen its share of supplicants.

Visiting the Catholic Worker

Occasionally I offer my services to the Catholic Worker House of Hospitality on the Bowery in Manhattan by giving a lecture that I hope those who live in the House and those who attend the regular Friday evening lectures might find interesting.

Serving at God’s Table

Father Frank Spacek, chaplain at Christ the King R.H.S., Middle Village, installed six new extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion at the End of Year School Mass.

Serving at God’s Altar

The parish of St. Mary Magdalene Church, Springfield Gardens, commissioned and blessed nine new altar servers.

Good Day for Freedom

This week’s Supreme Court decision allowing people of conscience to opt out of paying for abortifacients as required by the Affordable Health Care Act was a victory for America. It assures us all that the religious liberty protected by the U.S. Constitution will be recognized and enforced.

The Mary Louis Academy Brings Souls to God

  Five young women from The Mary Louis Academy (TMLA), Jamaica Estates, received the sacrament of confirmation after completing the diocesan-wide sacrament program for youth. Bishop Octavio Cisneros presided at the confirmation ceremony held June 1 at Holy Family Church in Flushing. Students from Queens Catholic high schools received Confirmation while several received both First […]

St. Edmund: ‘Be Happy – Bullies Hate it’

Students from the Anti-Bullying Club (ABC) at St. Edmund Prep, Sheepshead Bay, held a workshop for students in sixth, seventh and eighth grades who attend St. Edmund Elementary School. The powerful presentation consisted of skits depicting what bullying is and showing students the right and wrong way to handle different bullying situations. The St. Edmund […]

Cubans Continue to Rebuild Their Church

WASHINGTON (CNS) – The president of the Cuban bishops’ conference told a group of Cuban emigrants and other Americans of plans to build one of the country’s first new churches in 50 years in his archdiocese, using materials salvaged from the stage built for a Mass there celebrated by Pope Benedict XVI two years ago.