Frogs, Forensics and First Aid At TMLA

More than 130 seventh- and eighth-grade girls from elementary schools in Queens took part in Summer Fest 2014, an academic enrichment program at The Mary Louis Academy, Jamaica Estates

Fiddler in Douglaston Is a Show with a Cause

Usually the singing heard at the Immaculate Conception Center (ICC) in Douglaston comes during Mass in the chapel or when seminarians living there practice their hymns.

Queens Pilgrims Visit Toussaint-Related Sites

“What a beautiful day for a pilgrimage” remarked Price Olivier as he and his wife Doris joined 160 other pilgrims from Southeast Queens as they boarded buses to lower Manhattan to visit the sites associated with the life of the Venerable Pierre Toussaint.

Disillusioned Catholics Are a Serious Issue

Second in a series

I don’t think I am a negative person – a kind of “doom and gloom” Catholic – but I do spend a considerable amount of time reflecting on problems that make it difficult for people to embrace the Christian faith.

Reviewing an Eminent Distortion of History

As the world marked the silver anniversary of the Polish elections of June, 1989, a conference met at the Vatican to consider “The Church in the Moment of Change in 1980-1989 in East Central Europe.”

The Threat Remains

The June 30 decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores ruled that the Administration’s contraceptive mandate as applied to closely held for-profit corporations was a violation of the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

Pope Seeks Emergency Aid for Migrant Children

MEXICO CITY (CNS) – The Vatican’s secretary of state pledged full support for addressing the issue of child migrants streaming out of Central America in search of safety and family reunification in the U.S.