50 Years in Corona

Last weekend, St. Paul the Apostle parish, Corona, closed its celebration of the 50th anniversary of its founding with a Mass of thanksgiving celebrated by Auxiliary Bishop Octavio Cisneros.

Pope: Families Under Siege Turn to Church

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – The family is under attack now more than ever because of today’s culture of division that wants to break from and be free of all everlasting bonds and forms of solidarity, Pope Francis said.

Benefit for Performing Arts Center In Rosedale

The Catholic Foundation for Brooklyn and Queens hosted a brunch Oct. 18 at the Savoy Tavern in Merrick, L.I., to benefit the Detective Thomas Wesley Higdon Jr. Performing Arts Center at St. Clare Catholic Academy, Rosedale. The Higdon Family poses at the event that honors the memory of their beloved Thomas Wesley Higdon, a New York […]

New Chicago Archbishop Chooses Cathedral Rectory

CHICAGO (CNS) – Archbishop Blase J. Cupich, who will succeed Chicago Cardinal Francis E. George in mid-November, told the priests of the Archdiocese of Chicago that he has decided he will live in the rectory at Holy Name Cathedral.

Synod Father: Change Requires a Consensus

ROME (CNS) – Looking ahead to the October, 2015 world Synod of Bishops on the family, Cardinal George Pell said the task for Catholics “over the next 12 months” is to explain “the necessity of conversion, the nature of the Mass” and “the purity of heart the Scriptures require of us to receive holy Communion.”

Liturgy Items Dominate Bishops’ Slate

WASHINGTON (CNS) – Liturgical matters will take center stage on the agenda of action items at the fall general meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), to be held Nov. 10-13 in Baltimore.

Pope Calls for End To Death Penalty

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Pope Francis called for abolition of the death penalty as well as life imprisonment and denounced what he called a “penal populism” that promises to solve society’s problems by punishing crime instead of pursuing social justice.