Diocese Prepares for World Family Meeting

You probably already know that Pope Francis will be visiting the United States in September. Besides visiting Washington, D.C., and New York, the pope will visit Philadelphia for activities and Mass on Sept. 26 and 27, to mark the end of the Eighth World Meeting of Families Congress.

We Are Called to Know God

These are the Easter to Pentecost days, the great 50 days of Mystagogia (unpacking the Mystery). They invite us to journey with our brothers and sisters who were welcomed into our Church just two weeks ago.

Walking with Others In Times of Pain

In late 2012, when we knew my wife, Monica, had only a short time to live because of uterine cancer, people began asking me if I planned on writing a book about widowhood and grief after she passed away.

Two More Favorite Homilists

Dear Editor: I have enjoyed reading about the true impressions and affection that Massgoers have for the varied priests and deacons who give homilies in our diocese.

Bridge to Life Around the World

Dear Editor: Recently at Bridge to Life, we received a first time visit from Pakistani refugees. They are Catholic and left their country because the Christians there are being persecuted. They lost their first baby boy at 12 hours after he was born because of lack of good health care. Their baby daughter is only one week old. What a tremendous story they have to tell.

Today’s Mission Territory

Dear Editor: Victor Enemuo wrote a profound response (April 4) to George Weigel’s column on the decline of European Christianity. He might have added that the European Enlightenment ended at Auschwitz together with Christendom.

Environmental Priorities

Dear Editor: The past month’s onslaught of I’m-a-Republican-so-I-despise-environmentalism letters have been as embarrassing to Catholic morality as they are ironic that these people use the term “conservative.” Recent ones have used logic so twisted that Keystone development is a solution to save “society’s soul” and cure our “love of greed, lust and power”.

‘Genocide’ Continues

Pope Francis has shown brave witness at the Mass he celebrated in the Armenian Rite when he called the systematic slaughter of Armenian Christians “the first genocide of the twentieth century” and connected the Armenian genocide to the persecutions and murders of Christians today throughout the Middle East.

Power of Religious Life

This past week, the Vatican sponsored a workshop for formators and vocation directors of religious orders of women and men from around the world. It culminated in an audience with Pope Francis, who himself is a member of a religious order, the Jesuits.

Facing Abuse? Don’t Do It Alone!

Most of us at one time or another has probably seen the many prescription medicine commercials that remind us: “Depression touches everyone in the family.” How very sadly true this can be. Often we fail to fully realize or appreciate how one person’s problems can so powerfully impact those he or she loves.