Farewell to Eileen Bowman

Dear Editor: Our parish secretary at St. Clare Church in Rosedale, Eileen Bowman, is retiring after 40 years of faithful service. She has served under approximately 16 pastors. She is dedicated and efficient and has all the necessary information at her fingertips. She will be sorely missed.

Happy Retirement Mr. Salvo!

Dear Editor: I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate Mr. Fred Salvo on his retirement from St. Francis Preparatory High School. Mr. Salvo taught algebra, trigonometry and calculus for 45 years. Through it all, his good name has always been synonymous with excellence, integrity and dedication. I hope all the years ahead bring him great joy and well-deserved relaxation.

Love God, Then Earth

Dear Editor: I was delighted to see that the Dominican Sisters in Amityville, L.I., have dedicated a parcel of their land to the production of organic produce by local farmers. I myself am a proponent and practitioner of the reduce, reuse, recycle principles of stewardship. Yes, I even compost! I love the earth, and praise God for His wonderful creation and for His care of us.

Heeding Words of Wisdom

I WAS TRULY BLESSED to have both my maternal and paternal grandmothers with me for most of my years growing up. Both of my grandmothers have now gone home to God, but I will always remember the way they imparted words of wisdom upon my sister and me.

Examining Our Aspirations

WHILE READING a United Nations Development Program report on violence in Latin America, I encountered the term “aspirational crimes,” used to explain the tragic acceleration in crimes on and by young people. The term refers to crimes motivated by money and the irresistible desire for consumption. Partly this is to support one’s family in situations where poverty is intolerable. But a large part is for the “cool” gadgets, shoes, clothes, electronics, etc., that swell a young man’s swagger and elevate his position within a gang, mark his achievement and anesthetize his misery for the moment.

St. Alphonsa Caption Clarification

Dear Editor: I am a member of Our Lady of the Snows (OLS) parish for 22 years. I am also a leading member of the Indian Roman Catholic Community (Latin Rite) in the U.S. For the last three years, I worked with the pastors of OLS viz. Msgr. Raymond Chappetto (Bishop Chappetto) and Father Kevin McBrien, planning and conducting the feast of St. Alphonsa and have been proud to see that year after year the event has been attracting more and more Catholics from within and outside of the parish.

Visiting Our Senior Priests

Dear Editor: In his column, Put Out Into the Deep, in the Aug. 1 issue of The Tablet, Bishop DiMarzio states, “We receive so much from the generosity of our priests, but they also need our help. It is our responsibility that they receive proper care and compassion from us for all that they have given to us.” While the need to provide proper physical care for our retired priests is unquestionable, isn’t the need to provide for their emotional and communal needs equally as important? In doing so we may actually be helping improve their physical condition.

Deep Convictions in History

Dear Editor: Re: George Weigel’s column, “Progressive Catholic Authoritarianism” (July 16), the “penchant for misrepresentation and calumny” is hardly new in the history of the Church. Just look at Peter and Paul, the theological disputes in the early councils, or Bernard and Abelard. That’s what happens when people believe with deep convictions. In time, they all serve the divine purpose.

Asking the ‘Jesus Questions’

Dear Editor: I have a few thoughts to share in response to Ms. Ilene Salerno’s Aug. 1 letter encouraging a greater attentiveness to Donald Trump’s message. Ms. Salerno writes: “It is so refreshing to have someone stand up and tell it like it is.”

Human Civility

The comments of Donald Trump to CNN’s Don Lemon concerning journalist Megyn Kelly after the Republican debate, stating: “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes … Blood coming out of her wherever” in any interpretation, be it he said “nose” – as Trump’s staff clarified – or as in most interpretations, her menstruation, demonstrates once again the necessity for civility in public discourse.