Safe and Sound

Papal trips do not happen by accident. The great success of Pope Francis’ journey to Cuba and America only succeeded because of a lot of advance planning and intense security. We salute the members of the New York Police Department, the U.S. Secret Service and the Swiss Guard for the attention paid to detail in protecting the Holy Father, while at the same time making him accessible to millions of people in such a short time span.

All About Family

As we look back on the Holy Father’s Apostolic visit to the United States, we can reflect, with some clarity, as to what the pope said and did during his time with us. Some were overjoyed at the pope’s speech to Congress; others felt it was a missed opportunity to speak more explicitly against the evil of abortion and against same-sex marriage. Some were thrilled that he explicitly mentioned his opposition to the death penalty; still others wanted him to be more specific on issues that Catholics in America have to face.

How Well Do We Imitate Christ?

I FELT SOMETHING – or someone – tugging on the edge of my chasuble after Mass one Sunday morning. At first, I paid no attention to it, busy as I was greeting and exchanging a few words with parishioners who were heading home. But I felt another tug, this one insistent enough that I couldn’t ignore it.

Following the Pope on Catechetical Sunday

Safeguarding the Dignity of Every Human Person is the theme for the annual Catechetical Sunday, which will be celebrated on Sunday, Sept. 20. This Catechetical Sunday will mark the beginning of a week of great joy and celebration as we welcome our Holy Father, Pope Francis, to the U.S. During these next few days of preparation for his visit, it would be good to reflect on the goals of our 2015-2018 diocesan springboard plan for evangelization and renewal, fittingly named The Joy of Encountering Christ: The Families Hope, in place since Holy Family Sunday of 2014.

Glimpse of ‘Heaven’ Is Inspiring, But Unsatisfying

NEW YORK (CNS) – As its title suggests, a trip to the pearly gates and back is the highlight of “90 Minutes in Heaven” (Samuel Goldwyn). Writer-director Michael Polish’s drama is based on the true story of a Baptist minister and his near-death experience.

Pope Francis Encourages A Culture of Vocations

Many consider Pope Francis a great reformer in the life of the Church today. His visit to the United States will put the Catholic Church in the center of American media. He will be speaking to Congress, the United Nations, priests and religious, people from different faith traditions, families, the poor and the imprisoned. His speeches and homilies will be heard by millions of people worldwide!

Tougher for Today’s Immigrants

Dear Editor: Our ancestors had it difficult, but never had to endure what today’s immigrants are enduring through media and public scrutiny by monsters such as Trump and the Tea Party. Today’s immigrants work just as hard as our ancestors did and they are here for the same reasons. If you read or study history, […]

Purpose of Catholic Press

Dear Editor: I write to thank you for your clear and courageous Editor’s Space (Aug. 22) about the war going on that most people don’t realize, in the midst of entertainment gossip, as you put it. That’s a strong message, very well written, and a fine example of what the Catholic press can be doing.

Where Is Sister Clare?

Dear Editor: I am writing to see if you can help me locate a Sister of St. Joseph. I believe that the motherhouse was located in Brentwood, L.I. The Sister was Sister Clare Joseph, C.S.J., (Eileen Blake). When I knew her, she taught at Blessed Sacrament Elementary School, Cypress Hills, around the years 1956 to the mid ’60s. Her name came up in conversation recently. Family and fellow students were wondering if she can be reached and located.

Great Brooklyn Outreach

Dear Editor: A couple of weeks ago, I stumbled across an advertisement in The Tablet: The San Damiano Food Festival in Williamsburg. I was truly overjoyed to learn of this. I sent off an email inquiring more about it and received a heartfelt response from Father Russell Governale, O.F.M., Conv.