Xaverian’s Harp Program

Along with its rigorous course offerings for young men and women in grades six through 12, as well as a highly successful athletic program, Xaverian also boasts one of the largest high school music departments in New York City.

Brooklyn Nun Reaches to Society’s Untouchables

When American-born nun Sister Annie Credidio moved to Ecuador in the mid-1980s to be a teacher, she attended Mass at a local hospital and noticed that members of the congregation were missing fingers, toes, legs, and teeth. She discovered that this was a hospital for people with Hansen’s disease (also known as leprosy). The more she explored the facility and talked to patients, the more she realized how deplorable conditions were.

Don’t Believe All You Hear

IT ALL STARTED when we heard unconfirmed reports that the pope had met with Kim Davis in a private audience during his visit to Washington. Davis, a Kentucky county clerk, recently denied marriage licenses to same-sex couples on religious grounds. Since same-sex civil marriage is now legal in the United States and county clerks are required by law to issue licenses, her actions sparked controversy – and rumor – especially after Davis met with the pope.

Living the Gospel Message

Dear Editor: I would like to thank Rita M. Murphy for those most kind words (Readers’ Forum, Sept. 26) to my letter to The Tablet (Sept. 9) concerning my experiences with homelessness. It is most heartwarming to hear from people like yourself with what you have done to help the homeless. I hope and pray […]

Best of Papal Scenes

Dear Editor: On the papal visit, for me one of the best parts was on his arrival in Washington, D.C., on the way to the White House, he stopped to greet children putting him 15 minutes behind schedule. One security man reminded the pope, tapping his watch to emphasize it. The pope just gestured with […]

UK Vetoes Assisted Suicide

Dear Editor: The recent vote by a plurality of over 100 votes in the British House of Commons against the legal authorization of assisted suicide in the United Kingdom is perhaps one of the few votes on a bill which would have opened the floodgates to greater evil procedures. The elected members of that body […]

Defund PP

Dear Editor: I agree with Michael Mullaney from Bayside (Readers’ Forum, Oct. 10) where is the outrage against Planned Parenthood (PP)? It can’t be that the Catholic Church does not want to get into politics. Cardinal Dolan told us Catholics to stop coming to “daddy” …go out into the public square. He told us that […]

More on the Brothers

Dear Editor: The letter of John McCormick (Oct. 10) revived fond memories of many Xaverian Brothers. From Holy Name of Jesus in Windsor Terrace and on to Xaverian High, the influence was, and is, memorable. The mention of Brother Claude who moved from St. Michael’s on to Xaverian struck a fond note since I too […]