Autumn Is an Invitation to Hope

AT THIS TIME of year, falling leaves and flaming foliage come to those parts of the country where climates favor cold snaps, shorter days and deciduous, or leaf-shedding, trees.

Come to Philippines for The Eucharistic Congress

While many are beginning to make plans for the busiest time of the year, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, Father Patrick Longalong and others are also getting ready for a pilgrimage to the Philippines for the 51st International Eucharistic Congress, Jan. 28-31, 2016.

The Tide Is Turning

Recently, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a package of eight measures in women’s rights designed to curtail discrimination in housing, the workplace and domestic violence. They also include human trafficking, pay equity, enhancement of sexual harassment laws, the rights of pregnant workers and the strengthening orders of protection for victims of domestic violence.

Waiting for Francis

Last Sunday was the last day of the Synod on the Families at the Vatican. Now we as the Church are awaiting the Pope Francis’ response to the document prepared by the Synod Fathers. As we read the “Relatio” prepared by the Bishops for the Holy Father, we are reminded of several things. The first is that this is not a contest, not a battle between “conservatives” and “progressives.” As we have stated previously, the synod was a dialogue between good people, with good intentions, about good things.

Catholics: Examine Your Vote

Dear Editor: Election Day is fast approaching. Is there any hope that the Catholics in this diocese will finally wake up and take religion and traditional morality seriously of a change? Two things are necessary: Catholics must turn out like the Orthodox Jews and vote; and they must vote to support the moral values of our Church, traditional values found in the Declaration of Independence, the foundation of our country and its rise to greatness.

Presence of a Brooklyn Nun

Dear Editor: I was delighted to read the article about Sister Anne Credidio (“Brooklyn Nun Reaches to Society’s Untouchables,” Oct. 17) and the work she is doing in Ecuador among the lepers. All who know her are touched by her goodness and generosity of spirit.


Dear Editor: Since you requested that readers share a memory of a Religious Brother, I offer you this one.

Forty-one years ago last spring, three Marist Brothers of the Province of Esopus met to talk about an idea and a hope.

Uncle Howie Basler

Dear Editor: I write to thank you for your very kind and thoughtful Editor’s Space about my beloved uncle Howard B. Basler (Howie). My father, Joseph Basler, has taken great comfort in all the nice things that have been said, and now written, about his brother. They have been deeply appreciated at the difficult time.

Youth Round-Up Oct. 22

Cathedral Prep-Seminary Emphasizes the Corporal in Works of Mercy; As Pope Asked, Kearney Ladies Bring God to Others; WYD Cabaret Fundraiser

On The Way to Catholic High School

The Tablet has invited local Catholic high schools to participate in this special supplement and share what makes their school unique.