Easy on the Tweets

In our day, we have seen the art of political commentary reduced to 140 characters a tweet on Twitter. The purpose of this editorial is not to bemoan what has come to be true – important events and news are no longer exclusively announced on the pages of a newspaper.

Celebrations in Carroll Gardens

Sacred Hearts-St. Stephen parish, Carroll Gardens, welcomed its new statue of St. John the Baptist that was commissioned by the Society of the Citizens of Pozzallo, located on Henry St. It is a replica of the statue in the town of Pozzallo located in Southern Sicily. plaque

‘Star Trek Beyond’ Offers Rambunctious Adventure

Fifty years after its debut on television, “Star Trek” bursts onto the big screen once again in its 13th feature-film outing. While the bad luck dreaded by triskaidekaphobes fails to curse the aesthetics of this latest production, there is an unwelcome – though fleeting – development in the moral realm.

Sister of St. Joseph Is Still Missing on Vacation in Austria

Two weeks after a recently retired nun from Long Island, N.Y., disappeared while vacationing alone in Europe, more than 200 people gathered to pray for her at an evening service July 20 at St. Anthony of Padua Church, East Northport, where she lived.

K of C Helps Assure Future For Local Catholic Schools

The Brooklyn and Queens chapters of the Knights of Columbus held a special event at Citi Field to assist in raising funds for Futures in Education and Tomorrow’s Hope.

Both organizations offer financial support to families in the dioceses of Brooklyn and Rockville Centre, respectively, interested in sending their children to Catholic school.

Expectations of a World Youth Day Pilgrim

I am very honored and privileged to be attending World Youth Day (WYD) in Krakow, Poland. This is my third World Youth Day, and this one is so special to me because it is the birthplace of World Youth Day’s founder St. Pope John Paul II. There are so many beautiful sites that I am looking forward to visiting and attending Mass.

What Matters Most

“You can’t take it with you!” – Deacon Thomas G. Davis talks about this age-old lesson in relation to Jesus’ parable of the rich man in this Sunday’s Scriptures.

Never Forget Bishop Catanello

Dear Editor: The late Bishop Ignatius Catanello was a good friend of ours. He was a friend of the Augustinian recollects and would confer Confirmation every year here at St. John’s.

Inspired by Parish Priest

Dear Editor: I have been very blessed to be able to receive the sacrament of reconciliation from Father Evans Julce. He shows me how truly forgiving and loving God is. Father Evans listens quietly, and when you are done, in a whispering voice explains things for you to consider and perhaps do. You know he has taken in everything you have said and has given it much consideration before speaking.