In What Direction Are We Going?

Here we are at Advent’s door and we hear a clear call, an imminent command to turn to God and away from injustices.

Queens Knights Feed Neighbors In Need

For a second year, the Msgr. Dillon Knights of Columbus Council No. 5872 in Whitestone teamed with the St. Ambrose Council No. 1463 in College Point to hold a drive to benefit local food pantries. Members collected 750 pounds of food, $300 in monetary donations and an additional $350 to purchase turkeys for the needy.

Abuse Victims’ Spouses Will Share Their Struggles

by Tara Franco, A few years back, as I was sitting on the couch watching television and snuggling with my Weimaraner, Lucy, I recall viewing the Cymbalta commercial for the very first time. On the surface, this commercial struck me because the depicted family also owned a large Weimaraner.

Yes, There Is a Purgatory

Dear Editor: Many parishes within New Jersey have been able to share in the pilgrimage of the Our Lady of Fatima statue. While at a local church during a visitation, I noticed a table displaying rosaries and inspirational material. Among the items was a card that presented a prayer for the souls in Purgatory. This was a sad reminder that Catholics seem to have drifted away from devotions directed toward the poor souls, and many even question whether Purgatory even exists.

Unwarranted Fears

Dear Editor: One article in The Tablet (Nov. 19) mentions that “many in the African-American community fear a rollback of the many advances made in recent years.”

Is It Politics as Usual?

Dear Editor: I’m writing in response to some of the letters that have appeared in The Tablet advocating that we support President-elect Trump. I understand that when an individual is elected and may not be the person of our choice we need to come together as much as possible to support that person as the duly elected president. In most elections we need to rely on our representatives to communicate, compromise, and negotiate on behalf of the citizens who have elected him.

The Order of the Mass

Dear Editor: It is time to set the record straight. I must respond to Mr. Gange’s comments (Readers’ Forum, Nov. 12).

Continue to Speak for Justice

Dear Editor: After enduring the most exhausting and turbulent presidential campaign in modern history, now is the time to reflect on our role as Catholic Christians. Donald Trump conducted a campaign fueled by hatred, fear, racism, xenophobia and misogyny.

Giving Thanks

We come once again to Thanksgiving Day, a day which is a key and defining moment in the United States of America. We come this Thanksgiving with our hearts filled with gratitude for the many gifts with which the Lord has blessed us.

Bishops Celebrate Mass At Historic Black Church

BALTIMORE (CNS) – The U.S. bishops chose to break from tradition during this year’s fall assembly by celebrating Mass at the church known as the “Mother Church” of black Catholics in Western Baltimore instead of the usual venue: Baltimore’s historic basilica.