Our Seniors Are the Mainstay of the Church

by Sister Constance Veit, l.s.p.

I recently participated in the Convocation of Catholic Leaders in Orlando, Fla. The purpose of this unprecedented encounter between U.S. bishops and laity was to study what Pope Francis has termed the “new peripheries” and to form missionary disciples.

Hear and Live The Word of God

by Father Alonzo Q. Cox

AS A GIFT for my First Holy Communion, my mom and dad presented me with my first Bible. It was, of course, a Bible meant and designed for children. It included illustrations depicting many of the biblical passages. The first page had my name, First Holy Communion date and who it was from. It was actually my first encounter with Sacred Scripture. I was excited to have a Bible of my own. And I still have that Bible with me, 27 years later.

Substance Matters

This past week, at the urging of Pope Francis, the Vatican’s Congregation of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, issued an important circular letter about the matter, the bread and wine, used for the Eucharist. This is important and essential information for all churches and chapels in all Roman Catholic dioceses in the world.

The ‘Ministry’ Aspect of Administration

by Carolyn Woo

WHILE PREPARING for the Convocation of Catholic Leaders, I paused on a statement describing a design principle for the event. In calling for missionary discipleship, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in the participant guidebook cites Pope Francis’ caution that “‘mere administration’ can no longer be enough.”

Living in the Spirit Of Our Savior

JUST A FEW years ago, when I was in my first parish assignment, I celebrated the funeral Mass for one of our most active parishioners, Alban Brown. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus, Holy Name Society, usher and to top it off, a retired NYPD officer. He was a man filled with the spirit of the Lord. You could always call upon him, day or night to help with events or activities happening in the parish.

Words Mean Something

Dear Editor: While I must emphasize that I’m the last person on this planet to defend the leftist odium that passes these days as journalism, whether print or tube, broadcast or cable, “The Tone of the Political Debate Has Hit a New Low” in The Editor’s Space (June 24) causes me to do the unthinkable – defend a network “commentator.”

The Democrats’ Goal

Dear Editor: I would like to give a reason for the media-fueled Russian collusion investigation that I have not seen before. It is my belief that this investigation is nothing more than a campaign strategy for the 2018 mid-term election. If, with the help of the mainstream media, the Democrats can keep this going for another year, they are hoping to convince enough voters to vote Democrat and they will gain control of Congress.