Misfired Volley

Father Antonio Spadaro, an Italian Jesuit priest, editor of the Italian journal, La Civilta Cattolica, and a close advisor to Pope Francis, and the Argentinian Presbyterian minister, Marcelo Figueroa, who is the editor of the Argentinian edition of L’Osservatore Romano, released an article that attempts to trace the roots of American conservatism and Evangelical Protestantism. The article goes further by stating a “Manichean” strain in American conservatism, as exemplified by President Donald Trump, has encouraged a strong political alliance between Catholics and American Evangelicals on issues of family values and pro-life.

A Lesson for the Touchscreen Generation

Make it a priority to make physical contact with someone or to read a book rather than a blog. Revel in the physical matter that makes up our life on this earth.

Introduction to New York Was Fast and Furious

My first week in the United States was not without its fair share of action and drama. Any new visitor to the U.S. would relish the thought of seeing sights imprinted in the minds of the rest of the world thanks to American films and television. But I had a slightly off-beat experience.

Congrats, Sister Jean

Dear Editor: I would like to congratulate Sister Jean on her 60th anniversary of service to God. She was a teacher and assistant principal at Our Lady of Guadalupe for over 30 years.

The Law Is the Law

Dear Editor: This is in rebuttal to Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, Texas, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops concerning his view in that local law enforcement and local jurisdictions should not be required to enforce federal immigration law as it appeared in The Tablet (June 17).

Former Pastor in Midwood

Dear Editor: The May 18th issue of The Tablet had some information about priests celebrating their anniversaries of ordination.

Give President a Chance

Dear Editor: I am responding to the “Not a Fan of the President” letter by Edward Wawrynek (July 1-July 8).

Stop the Name Calling

Dear Editor: Some of the letters about President Trump truly amaze me and it shows how closed-minded some people are who only vote party.

Horror of Health Care Bill

Dear Editor: What a horror we face. Both Houses of Congress propose legislation to replace the Affordable Care Act. With minor differences, the proposed laws will take medical care away from our fellow citizens, who are either poor or lower middle-income workers (an estimated 23 million), and give our very richest citizens $ 800 billion in a tax return; there are about three million of these richest people.