Jesus’ DNA Is Totally Marian

by Father Ronan Murphy

The life of Jesus began with Mary. Therefore, it was appropriate to begin the New Year with a feast of Mary, the Mother of God. Since Mary is the Mother of God, she is the Mother of joy. “Do not be afraid, for behold I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people, for today in the city of David, a Savior has been born to you who is Christ the Lord,” (Lk 2:11). So, the traditional greeting on the first day of the Year is one of joy: Happy New Year!

Living Tabernacles in a Glorious Temple

by Father James Rodriguez

As our nascent new year of ordinary time marches on, and the glow of Christmas grows fainter, Isaiah continues to cry out in our wilderness, challenging us not to become complacent, since “anguish has taken wing, dispelled is darkness.” Though he prophetically looks forward, at the same time he is looking backward, speaking as one who has already seen the promise fulfilled. Such is the trust of true prophets.

Before the 2020 Presidential Begins in Earnest…

Americans not obsessed with politics — that is, most Americans — will start paying serious attention to the 2020 presidential race after the February 3 Iowa caucuses and the February 11 New Hampshire primary — or perhaps after the March 3 Super Tuesday primaries winnow the Democratic field. So before the partisan din rises to ear-shattering volume, there’s some time left for those who aren’t entombed in ideological silos to ponder the qualities they would like to see in a president. I recently came across a description of such qualities. 

Self-Proclaimed Catholic Politicians

Dear Editor: It is very disheartening to see self-proclaimed Catholics like Ms. Pelosi using her title of Catholic to promote abortion, constant slander of our president and outright lies regarding concern she and the Democratic Party claim they have for the DACA or plight of the homeless.

In Praise of Holy Family Catholic Academy

Dear Editor: Holy Family Catholic Academy in Fresh Meadows, Queens is a very special place of learning, because the teaching of the Catholic faith is ongoing every single day in every classroom.

The Priceless Impact of Catholic Education

Dear Editor: The Tablet’s article commenting on the report Catholic On the Inside: Putting Values Back at the Center of Education Reform (“Catholic Schools’ Secret to Success,” Dec. 28, 2019 – Jan. 4, 2020), solidifies the impact that Catholic school education has on the current day society. Be it on the elementary, high school or college level, it is priceless.

Littering, Another Sin of Civilization

Dear Editor: We could also add littering to the sins of civilization. It encourages rat infestation and lowers the value of real estate in the area (“New Sin, According to Pope Francis,” Jan. 18).

Thanks to the Wonderful Readers of The Tablet

Dear Editor: On behalf of all of us at Hour Children — our board, staff and the women and children we are privileged to serve — I am writing to thank you and the wonderful readers of The Tablet for the very kind support that came to us through 2019’s Bright Christmas Fund. We are humbled by your generosity and grateful for your support!

The Somber Anniversary Of Abortion Expansion

Leading up to the passage of New York’s 2019 abortion expansion legislation, lawmakers and advocates dismissed Catholic concerns as hysterical fear-mongering, devoid of facts. The new law merely updated New York’s outdated statute, they insisted. It simply codified the protections of Roe vs. Wade at the state level.