Sacred Heart’s Pre-K Program to Get Second Look

City Councilman Robert Holden offered a glimmer of hope that a popular universal pre-K program at Sacred Heart Catholic Academy in Glendale that was targeted for closure might not have to shut its doors after all.

Medical Experts Say Science Is Proving Pro-Lifers Right 

It’s not just prayer that’s helping the pro-life community make the argument against abortion. According to doctors and leaders of the movement, advances such as the ultrasound are bolstering the pro-life position. 

Gen Z Catholic Wants to Combat Black Stereotypes

Emmanuel Charles, who lives in Rosedale and is a parishioner at St. Clare’s Church, said the media makes the mistake of painting African-Americans with a broad brush with no accounting for the diversity that exists within the Black community.

Six Months After Lebanon Blast

Six months after an explosion ripped through the Port of Beirut, killing more than 200 people, injuring 7,500, and causing $15 billion in property damage, efforts are ongoing to rebuild the Lebanese capital.

Center for Family Life Still Thriving — Four Decades Later

When Sisters Mary Paul Janchill and Geraldine Tobia, RGS, founded the Center for Family Life in 1978, they didn’t envision themselves as heroines swooping into the neighborhood to save residents from poverty and gang violence. Far from it, in fact.