Assembly Opens Impeachment Probe of Cuomo

The New York State Assembly took steps toward impeaching Andrew Cuomo as more details emerged about the governor’s alleged actions toward a female aide in an incident at the Executive Mansion in late 2020.

As Scandal Grows, Cuomo Says ‘No Way I Resign’ 

As a top Democrat called on Governor Andrew Cuomo to resign and GOP assembly members drafted a resolution to impeach him, the governor received some support from rank-and-file Democrats in the assembly. 

Social Workers Talk About Life During COVID

March is National Social Work Month and the theme of this year’s celebration is “Social Workers are Essential.” The theme would seem to be right on target, judging from what Karen Wilkow, a social worker with 20 years of experience has to say about her job.

Center for Migration Studies Looks at Immigrants’ Health Risks

The Center for Migration Studies (CMS) of New York issued a 40-page study, “Mapping Key Determinants of Immigrants’ Health in Brooklyn and Queens,” on Feb. 23 and looked at the two boroughs neighborhood by neighborhood to determine which non-citizen immigrant communities are most at risk.

Cuomo Declares: ‘I’m Not Going to Resign’

Facing mounting pressure from public officials calling on him to step down amid sexual harassment allegations leveled at him by three different women, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he has no intention of quitting his job.