Endowment Fund Helps Immigrants In Diocese

Whether it was helping someone find a place to live, get a job or just talk about their problems, Father Andrew Struzzieri was more than just a sympathetic parish priest — he was a guardian angel. One recipient of his generosity is now determined to assist others.

Four Men Who Answered the Call Are Ordained Priests

Four new priests were ordained in a Mass at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph on June 5 containing all of the splendor and tradition of the Catholic Church. Fathers Elvin Torres, Hung Sy Tran, Chin Nguyen and Robinson Olivares also received their assignments from Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio.

St. Adalbert Parishioners Raise $4,000 to Repair Damaged Statue

As police continued to search for the vandal who toppled a 130-year-old statue of the Blessed Mother outside St. Adalbert Church, Elmhurst — leaving it broken in pieces — distraught parishioners have begun raising thousands to repair it.

Three Decades of Promoting Life

The Sisters of Life have been serving for 30 years. The order was founded in 1991 by Cardinal John O’Connor as a community of women religious who, along with the traditional vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, take a vow to protect the sacredness of life.