Only In Print: What is an Imprimatur?

Before Father Jon O. Ukaegbu’s book, “The Holy Rosary,” could be printed, it needed an imprimatur. Only a bishop can grant an imprimatur.

Are You Praying the Rosary Right?

The much-beloved tradition of Catholic devotion to the Holy Rosary is spotlighted every October, and Father Jon O. Okaegbu, at St. Rose of Lima Church, has become a role model for the Church’s goal of appreciating and praying the rosary’s mysteries with greater zeal.

Diocesan Synod Begins With Mass Celebrated by Bishop DiMarzio

The Diocese of Brooklyn opened its synod on Saturday with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio amid promises that the diocese will listen to all Catholics’ feedback, including those who are not active participants in church life.

Stepping Up Social Justice Lessons

In September Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio announced the introduction of a new Catholic social justice curriculum that will be incorporated into religion classes in all schools, Catholic academies, and religious education programs in the diocese.

Peruvian Community Leads Lord of Miracles Procession

The Lord of Miracles Procession in Lima, Peru — one of the largest Catholic gatherings in the world — was canceled for the second year in a row due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. But the tradition persisted faithfully in the Diocese of Brooklyn as hundreds of people turned out for a procession on Oct. 3.

The Great Irish Fair Makes a Big Comeback!

After the COVID-19 pandemic forced it to go virtual last year, the Great Irish Fair was back live on Sept. 25, with all of the music, dancing, and good times that have been associated with the event over the years.