Subway Hero Wins Medal From Carnegie Fund Commission

Sean Conaboy, a member of St. Michael’s Parish in Sunset Park, saved a woman from a knife-wielding attacker on a Manhattan subway platform last spring. Now, he has been recognized for his bravery by the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission.

In This Classroom, Health and Wellness Learning Gets High Marks

With a goal of providing care for the whole child — their bodies, as well as their minds — Immaculate Conception Catholic Academy in Astoria has opened a wellness center for students to learn how to live healthy and productive lives.

Only In Print: Saints Outsell Santas in Shop for Christmas Items

The expression  “Put Christ Back in Christmas” isn’t just a popular saying in Brooklyn. This season, people decorating their homes for the holidays are increasingly bypassing Santa Claus dolls and opting instead for faith-based items like Nativity scenes.

Bishop Pledges To Advocate For ‘School Choice’ Assistance 

A school visit by Bishop Robert Brennan served to reinforce his view that parents of students in the Diocese of Brooklyn deserve vouchers, tax credits, or some other type of state-funded support. That would give families a real choice in educating their children, he said.