Let There Be Light at Diocesan Churches, Says Maimonides Health

Elizabeth Coffaro, president of the Rosary Society at Sts. Simon and Jude Church in Gravesend, said Christmas at the parish will be extra special this year, thanks to Maimonides Health, which is donating money to her church and others to make the holidays brighter. 

Farewell to a Beloved Post-9/11 Champion of the FDNY 

Msgr. John Delendick, the FDNY Catholic chaplain who passed away from 9/11-related pancreatic cancer on Nov. 23, was remembered at his funeral Mass on Friday, Dec. 1 as a brother to firefighters and as a good and faithful shepherd. 

Brooklyn Girl Gets Special Message From Mother Of A Soon-to-Be Saint

Like many young Catholics around the world, Khloe Chavez, a sixth grader at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Academy in Corona, feels an affinity with Blessed Carlo Acutis, the Italian teenager on track to become the Catholic Church’s first millennial saint. 

Heavenly Fashion

The expression “Wear your heart on your sleeve” is a time-honored phrase. But there’s one fashion line that is offering women the chance to wear their faith on their sleeves — literally.

Tragic Legacy: 9/11-Related Illnesses Still Claiming Lives

Msgr. John Delendick, the FDNY chaplain who passed away from a 9/11-related cancer on Thanksgiving Day, joins a sad and growing list of people succumbing to illnesses they suffered due to their service at the World Trade Center site in the weeks and months following the 2001 attack.