The Uncrowned King of Poland

Last week, the Vatican announced the approval of a miracle attributed to Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, opening the
path for his beatification. He was the archbishop of Warsaw and Gniezno, and primate of Poland, from 1948 to 1981.

Promoting Unity in the Priest Celibacy Debate

The synod of bishops for the Pan-Amazon region will meet in the Vatican Oct. 6-27. For several months, the Pan-Amazonian synod has been at the center of many debates in the Catholic media and blogosphere.

The Justin Trudeau In All of Us

Justin Trudeau, the young, telegenic Canadian prime minister, last year chastised a young woman who was asking him a question for using the word “mankind.” Trudeau interrupted her and said, “We like to say ‘people-kind,’ not necessarily ‘mankind,’ because it’s more inclusive.”

Trouble Looms With National Debt

You never know how history will judge the time you live in. Will our opinions be relevant a hundred years from now? A thousand years from now? Johann Sebastian Bach was a forgotten musician for almost a century. But suddenly in the 1800s, he was “brought back to life,” and until this day is considered […]

Trouble Looming With The National Debt

You never know how history will judge the time you live in. Will our opinions be relevant a hundred years from now? A thousand years from now? Johann Sebas-tian Bach was a forgotten musician for almost a century. But suddenly in the 1800s, he was “brought back to life,” and to this day is considered among the best composers ever.

Beyond Cardinal Pell

On Aug. 21, in a 2-1 decision, the conviction of Cardinal George Pell was upheld by the Victoria state Court of Appeal in Melbourne, Australia.

A Priority for All Catholics

When I was a kid, the final week of each summer vacation felt like the saddest thing. In June, the summer looked like an eternity of freedom, but now you were facing again the new school year, the classes and homework. Of course, there was also the excitement of seeing your school friends again and sharing the stories of the summer.