Tablet Forum Hears A Call for Peace: Dorothy Day’s Granddaughter Speaks at St. Sebastian’s Church, Woodside (with slideshow)

Dorothy Day captivated the nation with her social activist work and strong Catholic faith, and now, her seventh granddaughter Martha Hennessy is continuing the family tradition. Hennessy was the special guest Sept. 6 at a Tablet Forum held at St. Sebastian’s Church, Woodside. The first-ever Tablet Forum in 2008 focused on Dorothy Day, so this […]

Columbine on NET-TV

The 1999 massacre of school children in Columbine H.S., Colo., will be the topic of a feature documentary and panel discussion on NET-TV this Sunday, Sept. 15, beginning at 8 p.m. The film, “13 Families,” will examine the shooting at the school, which killed 12 students and one teacher. Following will be an in-studio discussion […]

Good News About St. Francis College

Students were met with some good news as they returned to St. Francis College, Brooklyn Heights, for their first full week of classes. U.S. News & World Report has once again ranked St. Francis as a Top Regional College in the North. “These rankings have become an annual confirmation of the success of our educational […]

St. Joseph’s College Rated Among Best

St. Joseph’s College, Clinton Hill, was once again recognized by two prestigious publications as an outstanding college in the region under the category of America’s Best Colleges. For more than a decade, St. Joseph’s has been consistently named as one of the nation’s top colleges by U.S. News & World Report – this year placing […]

Photos: Italians Honor Our Lady Of Sorrows

Brooklyn’s first Italian Roman Catholic parish – Sacred Hearts-St. Stephen, Carroll Gardens – hosted the Congrega Maria S.S. Addolorata and the people of Mola Di Bari on Sept. 8 as they honored the feast of their hometown patron saint, Our Lady of Sorrows, with a traditional Italian street procession and Mass. This year marked the […]

70th Anniversary

Sister Dolores Augustine, P.V.M.I., who served for 30 years (1979-2009) in pastoral and social assistance at St. Matthew’s parish, Crown Heights, recently celebrated her 70th year as a member of the Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate. She also served as a local superior in  Brooklyn from 1957 to 1963. She currently lives in retirement at […]

Parish BBQ in Cambria Heights

              Sacred Heart parish, Cambria Heights, celebrated its third annual parish barbecue with its new pastor, Father Hilaire Belizaire, top, third from right. Parishioners spent the day enjoying entertainment and food, all cooked on the parish grounds. Twoubadou Lokal, a household band made up of Sacred Heart musicians and […]

Profit in Bath Beach

Msgr. Jamie Gigantiello, vicar for development, presents Father Michael Gelfant, pastor of St. Finbar Church, Bath Beach, and members of the parish with a check for $7,643. This check represents the amount that St. Finbar has gone over its assigned goal for the 2013 Annual Catholic Appeal. If all pledges are paid in full, the […]

Rector to Be Installed At New Co-Cathedral

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio will preside over the installation of the Msgr. Kieran E. Harrington as the first Rector of the newly named Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph, 856 Pacific St., Prospect Heights, on Sunday, Sept. 15, at 12 p.m. St. Joseph’s was designated as a cathedral on Feb. 14, one of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s last […]

Blessing the Beer

A priest blesses a barrel of beer as members of the Knighthood of the Brewers’ Mash staff take part in celebrations at the cathedral in Brussels Sept. 6. The celebration takes place during the annual September beer weekend.