PHOTOS: The Peace Light Arrives at JFK

Boy Scout and Girl Scout leaders, along with other volunteers, form a network of drivers who transfer the flame, which originated in the grotto of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, West Bank, to houses of worship, homes and other venues across North America.

Keep the Creche in Christmas, Pope Urges

Stopping to gaze at and perhaps pray before a Nativity scene is one of the best ways to remember the real meaning of Christmas, Pope Francis said.

Ukrainian American Deacon Urges Prayers for Ukraine in Winter Months

Deacon Logusch, a child of Ukrainian immigrants and now retired after a career in chemistry and teaching, told about 40 Ukrainian parishioners gathered at St. Mary’s Assumption Nov. 27 that he hopes the world fully appreciates the long-standing and well-established territorial ambitions of Russian expansionism.

The Need for All of US to Be Giftgivers to Charities

I cannot remember when I became very interested in what philosophers, theologians and spiritual authors said about the mystery of love. Many years ago, it just seemed to happen that everything I taught or wrote was in some way or other related to the mystery of love. Quickly I learned that not only was the mystery of love a topic that greatly interested me but that it was a topic that seemed to interest just about everyone. Early on I learned that every person needed to be loved. This was the way we found ourselves as creatures of God. This was the way God created us.