Bay Ridge Parish Embraces Laudato Si’ With Ministry Focused on Environment

The “cry of the earth and the cry of the poor” are heeded by members of the Care for Creation Ministry of St. Andrew the Apostle Parish in Bay Ridge. It is one of 737 similar groups throughout the world responding to Pope Francis’s 2015 encyclical letter on the environment, “Laudato Si’.”

Clergy, Cops, City Leaders On What to Do About Anti-Asian Hate

As the city is on the mend from a year of COVID-19 restrictions, fierce, unprovoked attacks on people of Asian heritage have erupted during the first few months of 2021. Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio says the Catholic faith has a role in dealing with the hate, but ultimately it is a moral issue in the heart of each person.

‘Water is Health’: CMMB Brings Clean Water to Parched Lands

Last year, Manhattan-based Catholic Medical Mission Board built wells and other catchment structures to bring safe water to more than 260,000 people worldwide. The need is dire. Unsafe water carries deadly viruses or bacteria that cause diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and polio.