New Novel a Tale of Triumph Over Terrorism in Syria, Iraq

Iraqi Catholics faced persecution in 2014 when ISIS marked their homes with an “N.” The graffiti alerted gunmen that the people living there were followers of Jesus Christ, the Nazarene. The ensuing violence and chaos is the backdrop for Paul Mascia’s new book, “Nazar’s Journey.”

Ursuline Sisters Look Back on 100 Years of Their Ministry

In 1924, Calvin Coolidge became the nation’s 30th president after a landslide victory, the Statue of Liberty was designated as a National Monument, and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade stepped off for the first time. Meanwhile, a small group of religious women arrived in Queens to establish the U.S. Province of the Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk. 

Excitement, New Beginnings Fill The Air on First Day at Incarnation Catholic Academy

Surprises awaited students — early childhood to eighth grade — as they climbed the stairs into Incarnation Catholic Academy on Sept. 4 — the first day of classes for the new academic year. Greeting them in the hallway was their new principal, Dr. Ivan Green, along with Father Josephjude Gannon, the school’s board chairman, and Bishop Robert Brennan.

Did You Know? Tax-Credit Funding for School Choice Existed in N.Y.

PROSPECT HEIGHTS — Bishop Emeritus Nicholas DiMarzio recalled how, in 2006, as a winter storm heaped drifts of wet snow on Brooklyn, a national teachers union leader came to visit. Randi Weingarten, then the president of the United Federation of Teachers, urged him to drop his support of a bill in the Legislature to allow […]

Researchers’ Study Contends Shroud of Turin Actually Dates to the Time of Jesus

Bill Lauto, a Long Island-based environmental scientist, wants the world to rethink enduring beliefs that the Shroud of Turin is a fraud concocted by medieval hoaxers. And now, a team of Italian researchers who conducted dating work on a sample of the Shroud of Turin, the linen cloth believed by some to have been Jesus Christ’s burial shroud, have confirmed the relic can be traced back almost 2,000 years.