On the Great Tom Wolfe

When the great Tom Wolfe died on May 14 – he of the white suits, the spats, and the prose style as exuberant as his wardrobe – I, like millions of others, remembered the many moments of pleasure I had gotten from his work.

Tablet Talk July 21

Luau time for the Golden Age Club of Our Lady of Mercy in Forest Hills; Teen Drama Club at Holy Child Jesus parish, Richmond Hill; Catholic War Veterans; Nuns offer prayers.

Keep Cool and Read On!

The dark blue cap was emblazoned, in bold white all-caps letters with the phrase: “MAKE AMERICA READ AGAIN.”

Priests Need Prayers, Support

So, the Lord Jesus, in sending out His disciples two-by-two, is testing them in many ways. If they – very different men, with very different personalities and very different ideas perhaps on how to spread this Gospel message – can survive each other, then they can handle anything that the world, the flesh, and the devil can throw their way.

Tablet Talk July 14

Handmade Rosaries for Students; Ignatian Volunteer Corps; Bible study; Immaculate Conception, Astoria; Sister Gina Fleming, O.P.; Problem Solving with a Club on the Green