Catholic Queens Man’s Prayers Are Answered: A Lifesaving Kidney Donor Is Found

On Friday, May 23, Petar Vukelich did something he had never done before. He put a new set of rosary beads, a gift from his mother’s friend, around his neck. He kissed the cross, asked God to protect him, and just two hours later, he said, he received a call, giving him the news he had been waiting months for.

Once a Soldier for the Army, Priest Is Now a Soldier for the Lord

As Father David Santos peacefully leads the faithful in Springfield, New Jersey, he may not come off like a military man. But the pastor at St. James the Apostle Church has seen the brutality of war first hand, having faced death in Iraq during the height of war. 

A Couple Spreads The Faith That Sustains Their Love Into Classrooms

When Andrea Pinnavaia joined her church choir in high school, she had no idea she would be singing alongside her future husband. But it was a possibility; they lived just about 15 blocks away from each other, and their families were parishioners at Good Shepherd Church in Sheepshead Bay. Undoubtedly, at one point or another, their parents had sat next to one another in the pews. 

St. Francis Prep Grads Get A Sweet Sendoff to College

There is a freshly baked tradition at St. Francis Preparatory School, dating back decades. Chocolate chip cookies, made in-house, are entrenched in the warm tradition the Catholic school works to create, and are given sporadically to the students throughout their four years to commemorate special parts of their academic career.